Status Report #5 LYRA The Remote Accessible Automated Camera Stand Developed by: Juan Cuellar, Nathan Dye, Timothy Hawley, & Matthew Hect October 15, 2012 LYRA is a remote accessible automated camera stand that is controllable by external computer systems (such as laptops, tablets, and cellphones).
Purpose: Design Milestones: LYRA is designed with the intent to aid photographers by allowing remote access to existing equipment without removing access to software level systems in order to give the photographer more freedom than would normally be available. Design Milestones: Create CAD rendering of structure that is to be implemented(75%) Design a power regulation and distribution system(30%) Complete programming for the GUI and main controller for the stand(85%) Build final system and run tests(60%) Documentation(20%)
To Date: Overall structure has been prototyped. Much of the code for the main stand controller has been completed. Most of the code for the GUI system has been completed. Power source has been decided and power controller design has been started. Voltage regulation circuit schematic has been designed and will be constructed and test run on to verify compliance. Wireless connection is fully functional and ready to be used. Need camera control functions. Documentation has been started.
Ongoing Tasks: Programming the main controller for the stand Computer interface program (GUI) Research into common practices for given tasks Class based tasks for progress (such as notebooks) Updated the controller to work with our libraries to get better understanding of how to implement them Power regulator system
This Week’s Tasks: Complete voltage regulator Test socket TCP connection from GUI to the controller Write server side listener on GUI to receive .jpg Finish the presentation version of the LYRA client GUI Implement the protocol for communication(xxxxnnnn) Complete website by 10/19 Communicate with camera over new system Create functions for the camera control
Block Diagram:
Project Schedule:
The End