NatSIP update, round up and next steps NatSIP working day 7 June 2018 NatSIP update, round up and next steps Lindsey Rousseau Facilitator for NatSIP
NatSIP is a unique national partnership, with more than 140 affiliated partners, of professionals and voluntary organisations working with children and young people with sensory impairment (SI) and their families a partnership of people working together to improve outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment through promoting collaborative working our most effective means of communication is through the NatSIP website: we have a new NatSIP newsletter we also have the HoSS email forum ……..
Some delivery data from recent NatSIP activity DfE contract delivery: During DfE contract NatSIP delivered 53 events (KPI of 20) 38 events to frontline staff (540 attendees) 1062 participants at NatSIP events overall 20 presentations to SENCOs in training through HE providers, 4 to SENCO forums – on SI awareness and SI technology The SI OnlineTraining modules to 703 participants, exceeding target by 503 participants (351% over KPI)
NatSIP website: 76,217 visits to the website over the year number of downloads of materials increased 307.6% 9 min 43s average visit time, 3 pieces of content viewed 3,390 registered users in total, 838 identifiable ‘active’ users (registered users who have accessed one or more items of content) The Sensory Learning Hub has had 3,998 visits since April 2017. Users spend an average of 20min 53s looking at SLH resources, and look at 15.6 pieces of content each CPD training pathway document had 166 visits last term What Works data base: 333 visits, 6m 3s average duration, 332 resource listings with 11,400 views Find an Adviser extended from MSI to VI, next to HI
Some headlines: OnlineTraining: 43 delivery partners (34 HI, 35 VI and 7 MSI) SENCOs: 522 SENCOs trained 672 visits to the mainstream training pack Face to face training: HI/ VI/ MSI Examination access: a ‘hot’ download Commissioning: The SI workbook LISEND and regional commissioning MSI ‘toolkit with attitude’: 206 downloads
Some headlines: CSW framework 16 to 25 yrs EHC Plans Mental Capacity Act Apprenticeships and training Supporting Achievement in FE/HE Outcomes benchmarking data collection and CRIDE Early Year’s language development in deaf children “from small beginnings NatSIP has become highly successful and made some very significant achievements year after year”
SI KPIs within the SEND schools’ workforce contract Sensory Learning Hub (SLH) online platform and related training courses and programmes: to identify sustainable and accessible solutions within 6mths while keeping the resources in place, promoting them and achieving current levels of usage………. Continued development of CPD platform and training log: to identify a sustainable online CPD and training platform within the six-month deadline.
SI KPIs within the SEND schools’ workforce contract Getting Started for SI and SENCO training on SI: Costed model of Getting Started pack for SI developed and trialled in 60 schools. Costed model of SENCO support module developed and trialled with 60 SENCOs. Find an SI Adviser database sustainable: To maintain the SI FAA database whilst the new ‘find an expert’ site is developed to move from provider structure to CYP needs Participation in gap analysis research: Facilitate the participation of condition –specific and SEND leadership organisations in the research (before Sept 18)
NatSIP within the SEND schools’ workforce contract Review of the Mandatory Qualifications for SI: Scoping and first stage review from October 2018 with a report on whether the standards need revising (to be informed by the “ engagement study to understand the supply, demand and drivers for SEND CPD. This will include a gap analysis of key resources in relation to specific conditions versus generic SEND challenges to be completed by the end of July 2018; a report on demand and drivers to report by the end of December and a report with recommendations that brings together findings from surveys and engagement activity in relation to the specialist workforce to be completed by March 2019”)
NatSIP activities - we are in this together! SEND schools’ workforce contract Other DfE contracts NatSIP national and regional events NatSIP training offer NatSIP reviews Other commissions and work programmes NatSIP affiliation NatSIP Associates Anything else?
“sensory impairments tend to be low incidence, but the knowledge, skills and competencies you impart (through NatSIP) have resonance way beyond the area of SI and extend into the development of universally inclusive practices”
Thank you all for your ongoing support of NatSIP Next NatSIP working day in 2018 is a joint HoSS/NatSIP event Hamilton House, London Wednesday 3 October 2018 We look forward to seeing you Thank you all for your ongoing support of NatSIP