Introduction to minerals
Minerals are everywhere We use minerals in our daily lives. Microwave TV Copper Wires Table Salt Jewelry
Minerals have FOUR main characteristics Naturally formed-formed in nature not by man. They are a solid Have defined chemical make-up (composition) Have crystal structure
Minerals Intro Minerals are the “building blocks” for rocks. Minerals and rocks are related but they are not the same thing.
Important to Remember Minerals are pure and have a certain chemical structure. Rocks are like chocolate chip cookies-made of lots of different things.
Formed in Nature Minerals are formed by natural processes. These processes do not involve living organisms. Examples: Halite used in table salt-formed from water evaporation in hot, shallow part of ocean. Granite-formed from hot molten rock that has cooled. Talc-known as baby powder, forms deep in Earth as high pressure and temperature cause changes in solid rock.
Solid Meaning it has a definite volume and a rigid shape. Mineral shown is calcite
Definite Chemical Make Up Consists of a specific combination of atoms of certain elements. (Remember an element is a substance that contains only one type of atom.) A chemical compound has two or more elements joined together. Most minerals are compounds.
Definite Chemical Make Up Scientists classify minerals into groups on the basis of their chemical make up.
Crystal Structure This internal arrangement is a characteristic of a mineral. A crystal is a solid in which the atoms are arranged in this way: Orderly Repeating Three dimensional
Crystal Structure Why is arrangement important? Both a diamond and graphite consist of just one element-carbon. Arrangement of the carbon atoms of these two minerals are different. The different arrangement and structure =very different chemical properties. Diamond=hard, clear Graphite=soft, dull
Why care about MINERALS??? Minerals have physical and chemical properties that make them useful and sometimes valuable.