Chapter 10-11 Notes Mr. Dragas
National Legislature National legislature is Bicameral Made up of two houses 1.Senate 2. House of Representatives (result of the great compromise) allows for checks and balances
Compare 435 100 2 yrs 6 yrs 25 30 7 9 In state (district) In state House Senate Number of members 435 100 Length of term 2 yrs 6 yrs Minimum age 25 30 Minimum years of Citizenship 7 9 Residency requirements In state (district) In state Type of Election district statewide
Key Terms Apportionment Reapportion-ment (census) Gerrymandering (Westbury vs. Sanders 1964) 17th Amendment No term limits on US Congress Each state is guaranteed at least 1 member in the House regardless of population.
US House of Representatives Ohio 16 Districts
Average Member Upper-middle class 50’s Married WASP Male White Wealthy Protestant Born in their state Long time resident Lawyer College degree +
Benefits for Congress Salary = $180,000 per year Driver and car provided $30,000 expense account Free travel on business trips Second home tax credit Non-libel status (cannot be sued for libel-slander) Non-arrest status (while Congress is in session)
27th Amendment (1992) Congressional Pay Raise – Congress cannot enact a pay raise until after the next congressional elections
Powers of Congress Expressed Implied Reserved Denied Non-Legislative
Expressed The expressed powers are explained in the chart on page 302. Written in the Constitution in Article 3 section 8. Clauses 1-18. You should have the 18 powers in your notes!
Implied These are the powers not in the Constitution that Congress must have in order to carry out the expressed powers This is referred to as the elastic clause or the necessary and proper clause (clause 18)
Examples of Implied The Constitution gives congress the power to maintain the military/armed forces. How do they do this if no one volunteers to be in the military? Answer—the Draft.
Why The power to draft people into the military is an implied power that is used to carry out the expressed power of maintaining the military
Reserved Denied Reserved for the states National govt. does not have them Ex—Ohio National Guard Expressly not given to the National govt. Ex—Intra-state commerce
Non-Legislative Duties that do not include making a law 1. Amending the Constitution 2. Passing treaties 3. Appointing/re-appointing officials in the government 4. Impeachment hearings 5. Committee work/research on bills