What Impact did Emperor Napoleon have on Europe?


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Presentation transcript:

What Impact did Emperor Napoleon have on Europe? Military Capability Napoleon’s Main Goal Battle of 3 Emperors Allies and Enemies Continental System Facing Defeat Exile and Return Finale

Napoleon's Army: The Pride of France Well paid, fed and trained Took pride in their work received fancy uniforms, badges, and awards Promotions based on skill not social positioning Napoleon earned their loyalty Ate with them, took care of them, and led them to victory

Napoleon’s Main Goal Once he was emperor, Napoleon knew he would have to keep fighting and winning to keep his power He wanted to rule the world, and to do so he knew he would have to conquer the rest of Continental Europe and Britain

The Battle of 3 Emperors Battle of Austerlitz Dec. 2, 1805 was one of Napoleon’s greatest victories. Showed his military skill and use of geography Involved Napoleon, Czar Alexander I of Russia, and Emperor Francis II of the Holy Roman Empire (Austria) His 68,000 troops defeated almost 90,000 Russians and Austrians, forcing Austria to make peace with France and keeping Prussia temporarily out of the anti-French alliance.

Napoleon’s Allies Allies are independent countries that were considered friends, countries under French administration, and French colonies Russia, Prussia, and the Austrian Empire kept their own rules and eventually became Napoleon’s allies

A Family Business Napoleon kept European countries under his control by putting members of his own family in charge Became monarchs of Italy, Naples, Spain, Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands Northern Italy was made into a single state called the Kingdom of Italy

Napoleon’s Arch Enemy Britain was Napoleon’s greatest enemy Any conflict between the 2 led to global conflict due to colonies and military strategy British Navy France Land Army Almost impossible for Napoleon to defeat Britain because Britain's navy was supreme

Continental System Foreign policy of Napoleon in his struggle against Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars. the entire continent of Europe was to stop trading with Britain and British colonies as a way to starve out the Island However France did not have the power to control the seas, so Napoleon could not enforce the Continental System British ships smuggled in goods

Backfire!!!!! European ships were forced to stay in port and lost a valuable trade partner when they stopped trading with Britain So much legal trade was cut off that goods became scarce Cannot trade with British colonies for goods like sugar, cotton, tobacco In the end, Napoleon’s empire was hurt by the Continental system

Military Defeat Napoleon thought he could never fail but it was inevitable He faced defeat in Spain, Russia, and at Waterloo Belgium These defeats affected his dreams of world domination and impacted the empire

Defeat in Spain Spain was suffering under the Continental System and resented Napoleon for his failures When Napoleon replaced the Spanish king with his brother in 1808, the Spanish rebelled Fought and repelled the French with guerilla warfare which Napoleon was not accustomed to

Russia and France Break Up Napoleon declared war after Russia ended their alliance Knew that he would have to attack fast and hard to defeat Russia Russia difficult to beat because of climate and large area 1812 Napoleon assembled the largest land army in Europe Supplying the army with food and ammunition would be difficult Napoleon was doing well at first but the Czar refused surrender

Russia: Napoleon’s Greatest Mistake The Russians retreated and implemented the scorched earth policy that was effective and deadly Burn anything that France would need to survive Napoleon needed to live off the land because supplies were far away in France Moscow was deserted and on fire when Napoleon arrived Forced to retreat but winter almost completely destroyed the army

Exiled! Now fighting allied forces of Russia, Austria, Britain, Sweden, Portugal, and Spain When Paris was invaded in 1814, his soldiers gave up and refused to take the city back Napoleon was powerless He abdicated and was exiled to the island of Elba near Italy

The Emperor Strikes Back Exiled lasted 10 months Returned to France with 1000 soldiers Welcomed home Return lasted about 100 days, but he failed to make peace with Britain

Battle of Waterloo Finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo because he was forced to take on both British and Prussian forces 150 000 soldiers against Napoleon

Napoleon was captured and taken to the British colonial prison on Saint Helena island in the South Atlantic He died there in 1821