2a. Status of WFD reporting


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Presentation transcript:

2a. Status of WFD reporting Update on status of reporting and validation process WGD meeting, 15 April 2013

State of Play RBMPs and WISE reporting MS RBMP adopted WISE reporting RBMP reported XML GIS AT J  ES  K MT BE FI NL BG FR PL CY HU PT L CZ IE RO DE IT SE DK LT SI EE LU SK EL LV UK Not changed since sept 2012 meeting BE: reported several SW xml files in October – however still not complete dataset EL: Complete xml – however miss RBMP adoption ES: ES017 and ES018 not complete. Islands missing. Miss RBMP adoption PT: Miss the RBMP for the islands NOTES: Status: 09/04/2013 The column “RBMP adopted” reflects the contents of DG Environment’s web page: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/participation/map_mc/map.htm GREEN - River Basin Management Plans adopted! YELLOW - consultations finalised, but awaiting adoption. RED - consultation have not started or ongoing. The WISE reporting columns reflect if largely complete (green), partial (yellow) or no reporting (red) has been done on the three parts expected: - Copies of the RBMP and PoM XML files GIS files If the plan has not been yet been finalised and adopted it is assumed that the information submitted in WISE reflects draft plans.

State of Validation Process (15/04/13) XML Feedback MS Response Spatial feedback AT ES ** MT BE FI NL BG FR PL CY HU PT CZ IE RO DE IT SE DK LT SI EE LU SK EL LV UK EE: still need to point the files to use for the validation – have several version on CDR and not clear which to use. PT: no errors from validation in CDR – however several mismatches of codes between xml files. These issues send to PT on the 19.03.2012 'Feedback' = Report on issues from Atkins to MS; 'Response' = Explanation or correction by MS Step complete In process No action taken ** Incomplete XML submission

Update of Summary of WISE electronic delivery

WFD Master database imports MS Import complete AT ES ** MT BE FI NL BG FR PL CY HU PT CZ IE RO DE IT SE DK LT SI EE LU SK EL LV UK NO PT. miss xml feedback – however no technical isseus with xml hence imported MT. Highligted in feedback that some technical issues has been corrected by Atkins in order to import the data – however still miss to provide feedback on the remaining issues from the xml validation **ES017 and ES018 incomplete

Status Less activity under the RBMP obligation – some MS still update information The latest WFD masterdatabase update was in December 2012 (also reflected in views) Views updated on the basis of MS feedback durring autumn

Status of the 2012 interim report on the implementation of Programme of Measures

IMP_POM status* MS Reported AT J ES K MT BE FI NL BG FR PL CY HU PT  CZ IE RO DE IT SE DK LT SI EE LU SK EL LV UK NO All reported data has been imported into master database IT and LV imported with special conditions as several required values were missing 15.03.2013: masterdatabase delivered for the compliance assessment BE: Reported for BEMAAS_VL and BESCHELDE_VL (still miss 6 RBD) ES: Reported ES10-ES110 (still miss 7 RBD) *Status on the 10.04.2013

Thank you Mette Wolstrup, Atkins Denmark (mette.wolstrup@atkinsglobal.com