Graphical tool for organising and visually representing knowledge Concept map is a diagram which illustrates relationships between concepts Graphical tool for organising and visually representing knowledge Pictorial representation can help ordering, comprehension and recall of information Especially useful with abstract and complex concepts Very effective in showing linkages between theoretical concepts Especially useful as recall aid for people with strong visual memories (photographic memory) A picture paints a thousand words...
Concept Map for Concept Maps Source: Adapted from Joseph Novak, 2010
Drawing Concept Maps Can vary considerably in terms of complexity – from the very simple (e.g. Basic spido-gram style) to the more elaborate multi-dimensional maps Use of colour is recommended to delineate and highlight specific areas Arrows used to link related concepts – may be accompanied by link words; such as ‘affect’, ‘lead to’, ‘cause’, ‘contradict’, ‘necessary for’, etc.) See Buzan’s iMindmapping for more details and ideas:
Activity Imagine that you are required to write an essay on one of the following topics. Develop a Concept Map that will assist you in designing a plan for your essay: TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM’ A PRESIDENCY FOR THE TIMES: THE AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2012 THE EURO CRISIS: WHERE TO NOW FOR IRELAND?
Further Reading Novak, J.D. (2010); Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps As Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations , 2nd Edition, New Jersey: Routledge.