CAMERA SHOTS Mr. Fazzalari
What You Will Learn Today Still images versus videos. Job skills of videographers. Description of the 4 types of camera shots. Description of the 3 types of specialty shots.
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Video Versus Still Images While this lesson appears to deal only with single still images, the same qualities that make a great still image also make for great video: composition, lighting, and focus.
Why study still images along with video? Videos show more color All of the choices are correct The opposite qualities that make a great still image make a great video The same qualities that make a great still image make a great video.
Videographer Using a camera or video camera is an art and a science. The person using the camera is called the videographer.
Which is spelled correctly? vedogrepher vidoegrapher videographer vidgrapher
Job Skills of a Videographer Under Training at another site, it says "Camera operators need: Artistic ability Patience Attention to detail Good eyesight Hand-eye coordination Good communication skills Ability to hold a camera by hand for extended periods mental physical
It depends upon the quality The videographers only needed skill is to know how to use their equipment. True False It depends upon the quality of their equipment
Videographer/Director Because our groups are so small, the videographer and director might be the same person.
Importance of Camera Shots The camera shots are very important to the video. Good camera shots make the viewer understand more and the movie more interesting.
The Types of Camera Shots There are different types of shots. The names of the shots are based on how much information is included in the image. There are four we will deal with: Wide (Long or Establishing) Medium Close up Extreme close up Each will be addressed in detail in the following slides.
What are the 4 types of camera shots? Close up, extra wide, medium, middle Big, close up, medium, extreme close up Medium, microscopic, wide, close up Wide, medium, close up, extreme close up
What is a Wide Shot A wide shot is usually a far away image that shows the whole area. It gives the audience a basic orientation to the geography of a scene (i.e., who is standing where) after which you'll cut to closer shots.
What does the wide shot do? Orients the viewer as to the geography of a scene Shows minute detail Shows emotion of the people in the scene Shows the entire body
Orient Your Viewer In this case, a story of a sailor on an aircraft carrier would probably start with a short video of the aircraft carrier from this distance out.
Going Into a Different Place It’s used when people go from one place to another. For example, to show that they have gone from home to work they show the front side of the home then the office.
What Wide Shot is Not For Wide shots are not used for emotion very much because you can’t see the people’s faces clearly. For example, you can’t see the facial expression of anyone in this picture even though it is a great wide shot.
The Wide Shot is to Get Everyone Into the Scene This is on the verge of not being a wide shot because you can see emotions.
What is a Medium Shot The medium shot shows less than the wide shot and more than the close up. An MS (medium shot) is normally a shot from the waist up. You can see emotions and the body.
Medium Shots and Emotions. The purpose of a medium shot is to show the viewer the body. We show a lot of our emotions through our body. For example, is couple sad?
What does the medium shot do? Orients the viewer as to where they are or are going Shows minute detail Shows emotion of the people in the scene Shows from the waist up
What is a Close Up Shot A close up shot is taken even closer than the medium shot. A close up would be considered a persons shoulders and head.
A Shot of an Angry Man Close ups of the face are important because the viewer will be able to see emotions.
What does the close up shot do? Orients the viewer as to where they are or are going Shows minute detail Shows emotion of the people in the scene Shows the entire body
What Emotion is This? What was hockey player Wayne Gretsky’s mood at the time this picture was taken?
What is an Extreme Close Up Shot An extreme close up shot shows extremely close up detail.
Extreme Close Up Shots Here are some extremely close up shots.
What an Extreme Close Up Shot is NOT For An extreme close up is not for showing emotions. It doesn’t show the whole face. It’s also not for orienting the viewer. The ECU gets right in and shows extreme detail.
What does the extreme close up shot do? Orients the viewer as to where they are or are going Shows extreme detail Shows emotion of the people in the scene Shows the entire body
Summary of the 4 Shots Orients viewer Shows body emotion Shows facial emotion Shows lots of detail Yes No Wide Medium Close up Extreme close up
Specialty Shots There are more shots than the types that you have seen so far. The rest are considered specialty shots. Those are: Over the shoulder two-shot or three-shot Cut away
Over the Shoulder Shots The over the shoulder shot draws you into the scene.
two-shot or three-shot A two-shot or three-shot is when there are two or three people in the scene. This is usually a medium shot because you have to stand back a bit to get all two or three people in.
Cut Away Shots A cutaway shot is a shot taken away from the action. It is used to give more information. A conversation between these two people would have you flipping back and forth between the two.
Angle of Shots Along with how close to the subject you get, there is also the camera angle to consider.
The Three Types of Angled Shots You can change how viewers see the information by changing the angle that you hold the camera. You can get: Birds eye Straight on Low angle
Bird’s Eye Angle Bird’s eye Getting a picture from above is called the bird’s eye view. It makes the item appear smaller and less significant.
When to Use Bird’s Eye Angle When you need to make something more insignificant or appear smaller.
What emotions do you create with a bird’s eye view? Always close to you Significant, more powerful Insignificant, less powerful anger
Eye Level Angle The usual direction of an image is from straight on.
When to Use a Eye Level Angle It shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life.
Low Angle The low angle view is from the bottom. When taken from here, it makes the object look more powerful. Low angle
What feeling does a Low angle view create? Insignificant, powerful Significant, busy Powerful, significant Happy, warm
When to Use Low Angle When you want something to appear stronger or more powerful. Low angle
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