The following slides are examples from schools across the US. This does not specify the exact location of the schools using the behavioral expectations in most cases; however, this would be useful for training purposes to let others see some examples from currently implementing schools. Compiled by Laura A. Riffel…if you have any questions please feel free to email:
School-wide Behavior Expectations Example: 3 R’s for Centreville Middle School Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Resourceful.
School-wide Behavior Expectations Nonexample: Be obedient. No fighting. No drugs or weapons on the property. Act responsibly.
School-wide Behavior Expectations Example: PAWS Be Prompt. Accept responsibility. Work Hard. Show respect.
School-wide Behavior Expectations Non-example: Exhibit respect for yourself and others. Accept responsibility. Give your best effort. Look, listen, and learn to Exceed expectations and Soar to success.
Here’s how they fixed it…:
School-wide Behavior Expectations Example or Non-example? Pride. Respect. Responsibility. Excellence.
Litmus Test Would you write them up if they did the opposite? Is it something they are capable of exhibiting in observable terms? (Does it show an action?) Can you visualize what it looks like done well?
School-wide Behavior Expectations Example: Fern Ridge Middle School’s “High Five” Be respectful. Be responsible. Be there and ready. Keep hands and feet to yourself. Follow adult directions the first time.
3 Rs Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect Property
Be Respectful of: elf thers S O S urroundings
Respect Others Self Environment
School-wide Behavior Expectations Example: 3 R’s for Centreville Middle School Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Resourceful.
School Rules NO Food No Weapons NO Backpacks NO Drugs/Smoking NO Bullying
Reviewing Strive for Five Be respectful. Be safe. Work peacefully. Strive for excellence. Follow directions. McCormick Elem. MD 2003
Miller Middle School
Villa Rica ES
W = work hard O = own your behavior L = listen and learn F = focus on respect