A numerical scale used to measure the magnitude or energy released 1
Two plates moving towards each other and one plate subducts under the other plate. 2
Waves generated by an earthquake that travel through earth or along its surface. 3
The point on the surface directly above the focus point of an earthquake. 4
A device that records earthquake waves. 5
The second wave to reach the seismograph. 6
The innermost layer of the earth. 7
The outermost layer of the earth. 8
The top part of the mantle. 9
The layer of earth, under the crust, in which plate movement is generated. 10
When locating the epicenter, the circles overlap. 11
The science that studies earthquakes and their causes. 12
Giant sections of the earth’s lithosphere. 13
The seismic active region of the earth including the crust and upper mantle. 14
A scale that measures the intensity and damage caused by an earthquake. 15
A fault in which surfaces on opposite sides of the fault plane move horizontally in opposite directions. 16
A theory where movement of plates account for continental drift. 17
A record of an earth tremor made by a seismograph. 18
A series of large waves that are caused by an underwater earthquake. 19
Waves that move the ground up and down in circles as the waves travel along the surface. 20
A change in the shape of rock in response to stress. 21
An earthquake which follows a larger earthquake and originates near the focus of the larger earthquake. 22
About 80% of all major earthquakes in the world happen here. 23
The point of origin underground for the earthquake. 24
A sudden movement of the ground caused by shifts in parts of the earth’s crust. They usually occur along a fault. 25
Two plates are sliding past each other. 26
These are the first waves to strike in an earthquake and can travel through both solids, liquids, and gases. 27
A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving away from each other. 28
The sudden return of elastically deformed rock to its original shape. 29
A crack in the earth’s crust. 30
A measure of the amount of energy released by an earthquake. 31
A scientist who studies earthquakes and the mechanical characteristics of the Earth. 32
Word Bank Asthenosphere elastic rebound Aftershock epicenter Convergent boundary focus Core fault Crust lithosphere Deformation magnitude Divergent boundary mantle Earthquake Mercalli Scale
Word Bank P waves strike-slip fault Plate s waves Plate tectonics seismology Ring of fire seismic waves Richter scale seismograph Surface waves tsunami seismogram transform boundary Seismologist triangle of uncertainty