“Day B” January 18, 2018 8:01 - 9:01 Exploratory 9:03 - 10:03 8:01 - 9:01 Exploratory 9:03 - 10:03 10:05 -11:05 Social Studies 11:07 -12:09 12:11 -12:41 Science LUNCH 3rd lunch 12:43 - 1:43 English 1:45 - 2:45 Math
DO NOW: Take out your packet Write an expression using variables and numbers for the statement below: Justin can type w words per minute. Melvin can type 4 times as many words as Justin. Write an expression that represents the rate at which Melvin can type.
I will be able to apply my previously learned knowledge of expressions and equations. So that I can: Evaluate expressions using the order of operations Apply the meaning of exponents to write and evaluate numerical expressions with whole number exponents and understand that a letter in an expression can represent an unknown value to create expressions involving perimeter, area and volume I will know I got it when: I can complete my study guide independently or with my partner with at least 80% accuracy. 6.EE.A1, 6.EE.A2c, 6.EE.A3, 6.EE.A4
Language Objective By the end of the lesson, student will be able to use the language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will read real world problems from their review sheet and write their answers correctly using previously learned knowledge. They will have an oral discuss with their partners to review the answers. Academic Math Language Vocabulary: order of operation, exponent, variable (Mod. 4 lessons 1-17 vocab)
Open Response Practice “STUDY GUIDE” 3. Test Wednesday!
Open Response Practice
Read the first time. Ask yourself, “what is this situation about?” Read the problem a second time. Ask yourself, “what are the quantities in the situation?” Read the problem a third time. Ask yourself, “what mathematical questions can we ask about the situation?” Nora who is riding her bike. She has ridden a certain amount and has more to ride. The quantities include 18.5 miles, 7.36 miles, half the number of miles she has left How can I write an equation to represent this information? How can I find how many miles Nora needs to ride before she takes a break?
Discuss with your partners what are some things you need to know to solve this problem (evidence from the problem itself). Discuss with your partners what are some things you need to know how to solve this problem (how are you going to solve it? What skills do you need?)
After discussing with your partners, on the left side of your notebook you are going to do the ROUGH DRAFT of your open response. Label your parts to your work. Make sure to show evidence for your answers. Tomorrow you will write the FINAL DRAFT on the right side of your notebook.
We are going to do the final draft of your open response that we started earlier. Make sure you have followed A.E.E. Answer Explain Evidence
How do you feel? topic.
Agenda Complete “STUDY GUIDE” 10 mins. INDEPENDENTLY 10 mins. with partner 15 mins. with class
How do you feel? topic.
Use “Study Guide” and PACKET to prepare for Friday’s QUIZ
Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners