agenda Kahoot Practice – Vocab Unit 8 Othello Quiz, Acts III/IV Finish thematic concepts/big ideas Write CEI If time – look at a few on the doc camera Start Act V, Scene i HW: Vocab Quiz Unit 8 tomorrow
Reminders 3/8/18 Othello Quiz, Acts III & IV – today Vocab Quiz Unit 8 – tomorrow, 3/9 Othello Unit Test In-Class Essay test Thursday, 3/15 M.C. portion (50 questions), Monday, 3/19 **Need a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns by Monday, March 19 – the first 3 chapters will be due Tuesday, 3/20
Vocab unit 8 kahoot review
othello Quiz, Acts III & IV After quiz, continue working on thematic concepts/big ideas Discuss CEI Practice (prompt later slides) Start Act V, Scene i
Crafting a killer thesis (claim) statement It moves from the general to the specific It has insight It is original It answers the prompt Writing a good thesis statement is the result of two simple actions: understanding what the prompt is asking asking questions of yourself to develop insightful responses to the prompt
Drafting about Othello or Iago Write a claim (one sentence assertion to answer one of the questions below) and then 2. provide at least 2 pieces of evidence (specific lines) from the play to support your claim. Write interpretation for each piece of evidence. Remember the things we have spoken about! How does Iago develop over the course of the play? OR How does Othello develop over the course of the play? Cite lines – (ACT.scene.line#) (I.i.35-36)