Markets and regulation: results of two rounds of market analysis Andrejs Dombrovskis Deputy Director Head, Market Analysis Division Public Utilities Commission Current Regulatory Issues in the Area of Telecommunications and Radio Frequency Resource Usage Kyiv, Ukraine, May 2010
markets and regulation | topics of the presentation market characteristics probe into wholesale regulation two rounds of market analysis, incl. review of existing obligations: voice services market broadband internet access services market voice call termination regulation
markets and regulation | recent market developments (i) telecom sector revenues (mill, LVL)
markets and regulation | recent market developments (ii) voice telephony revenues (mill, LVL)
markets and regulation | recent market developments (iii) internet access revenues (mill, LVL)
markets and regulation | recent market developments (iv) broadband market
markets and regulation | recent market developments (v) broadband market - technologies
markets and regulation | probe into wholesale regulation (i) wholesale products available on the market both as a result of regulation and supply/demand as a result of 1st and 2nd round of market analysis following wholesale products are available: terminating segments of leased lines; unbundled local loop; bitstream absent demand for regulated access, excl. interconnection decision to launch a probe to study reasons behind non-existent demand
national consultation on contents RxO by means of a consultation paper bilateral meeting with main potential market participants limited response both during meetings and national consultation in general supporting existing regulatory system 2 official submissions requiring major detailing markets and regulation | probe into wholesale regulation (ii)
markets and regulation | termination rate regulation
economic situation to have its impact on demand side fixed to mobile substitution broadband regulation? infrastructure competition – a challenge for regulation of geographical markets harmonised European Union regulation – via harmonised goals of regulation for Public Utilites Commission markets and regulation | conclusions