PARCC PERFORMANCE LEVELS Level 1: Not yet meeting grade-level expectations Level 2: Partially meeting grade-level expectations Level 3: Approaching grade-level expectations Level 4: Meeting grade-level expectations Level 5: Exceeding grade-level expectations In PARCC, student outcomes are divided into five performance levels. Level One describes student work in the assessment that does not yet meeting the grade-level expectations or the course expectations. Level Two describes student work that is partially meeting grade-level expectations. Level Three describes student work that is approaching grade-level expectations. Level Four describes work that meets grade-level expectations. Level Five describes work that exceeds grade-level expectations. It’s important to recognize however that while PARCC is a meaningful assessment of student learning that provides useful information about a student, that New Jersey has been and remains committed to using multiple metrics in assessing student progress and attainment. Decisions about student placement in the next grade level or course have always been made by school districts and should always be fully informed by multiple sources of information, including teacher recommendations and parent input.
NEW JERSEY’S 2018 PARCC OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) % >= Level 4 Grade 3 14% 21% 44% 8% 52% Grade 4 12% 22% 39% 19% 58% Grade 5 7% 13% 47% 11% Grade 6 6% 24% 41% 15% 56% Grade 7 9% 10% 34% 29% 63% Grade 8 20% 40% 60% Here are the statewide results of the first year of PARCC assessments in English Language Arts and Literacy. In third grade, 15% did not yet meet expectations, 18% partially met expectations, 24% approached expectations, 39% met the expectations of the grade-level or the course, and 5% exceeded expectations. Approximately 44% either met or exceeded the expectations of third grade language arts. As we begin to unpack this data, we will look closely at the students in the Approaching Expectations category to see what types of changes need to be made to our curriculum and instructional practices. Perhaps these students missed out on an important concept? <please note: some of these numbers have changed since the preliminary release of the PARCC data in October 2015> Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
NEW JERSEY’S 2018 PARCC OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) % >= Level 4 Grade 3 8% 15% 24% 38% 53% Grade 4 17% 26% 42% 49% Grade 5 27% 39% 10% Grade 6 9% 20% 28% 36% 44% Grade 7 29% 7% 43% Grade 8* 22% 23% 1% Algebra I 2% 5% 13% 65% 46% And here are the statewide results of the first year of the PARCC math outcomes. There are some important things to note. As mentioned above, students took the assessment most closely aligned with their content in middle school. Thus, New Jersey’s eighth grade outcomes are not representative of eighth grade as a whole. Approximately 30,000 middle school students took the Algebra I assessment instead of the grade level assessment. Therefore, eighth grade math outcomes are artificially low as more advanced students were tested in Algebra I. Also important to note is that as a state, we do see stronger performance in our earlier grades. This is a positive outcome as much of math skills and knowledge builds upon the prior years. Thus, it is not surprising to see weaker outcomes in our higher grade levels who have not benefitted from many years of full implementation of our new standards. Also important to keep in mind that we’ve never tested the course content of geometry and Algebra II statewide before. Thus, our math supervisors and educators have not had a tool to judge the alignment of advanced math courses to our standards before. <please note: some of these numbers have changed since the preliminary release of the PARCC data in October 2015> * Note: Approximately 30,000 New Jersey students participated in the PARCC Algebra I assessment while in middle school. Thus, PARCC Math 8 outcomes are not representative of grade 8 performance as a whole. Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Count of Valid Test Scores Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) FAIRVIEW’S 2018 PARCC GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade 3 173 46 22 39 65 1 38% 52% Grade 4 119 19 17 33 47 3 42% 58% Grade 5 145 21 26 53 6 41% Grade 6 143 16 44 56 40% 56% Grade 7 108 13 24 28 40 63% Grade 8 131 15 43 37% 60% <fill in your district’s results. DO NOT INCLUDE RESULTS IF THE NUMBER OF VALID TEST SCORES IS LESS THAN 11> This chart shows the district level outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment in each of the grade levels for English Language Arts and Literacy. The first column includes the count of valid test scores in the district. <read grade three outcomes, such as: you’ll note that xx students in grade three received valid test scores, xx% are not yet meeting expectations…. XX% of third graders in this district met or exceeded grade level expectations compared to 44% of the third grade students statewide> <note in discussing this slide where the data may not be representative of the district due to low participation in a particular grade level by comparing the valid test count to an approximate count of students enrolled in the grade level.>
FAIRVIEW’S 2018 PARCC GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade 3 175 28 32 51 60 4 37% 53% Grade 4 120 18 39 44 1 34% 49% Grade 5 152 41 38 26% Grade 6 149 26 37 42 28% 44% Grade 7 109 9 40 21 20% 43% Grade 8* 137 31 29 36 2 Algebra I 23 6 15 70% 46% <fill in your district’s results. DO NOT INCLUDE RESULTS IF THE NUMBER OF VALID TEST SCORES IS LESS THAN 11> This chart shows the district level outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment in each of the grade levels and courses for math. The first column includes the count of valid test scores in the district. <read grade three outcomes, such as: you’ll note that xx students in grade three received valid test scores, xx% are not yet meeting expectations…. XX% of third graders in this district met or exceeded grade level expectations compared to 45% of the third grade students statewide> <also note in discussing this slide where the data may not be representative of the district due to low participation in a particular grade level by comparing the valid test count to an approximate count of students enrolled in the grade level.> <note in discussing this data the extent to which grade level 8 math outcomes may not be representative of the larger grade eight outcomes due to student participation in Algebra I districts. For some districts, these comments may need to extend to grade 7 if students took Algebra I in that grade. For other districts, grade 8 outcomes may in fact represent grade level outcomes because very few students took Algebra I in the middle school. Use the test counts to assist you in drawing inferences about how representative this data is for your district>
PARENT GUIDE TO THE SCORE REPORTS Also, a guide to the score report has been developed.
HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD Some ideas about next steps parents can take are also provided.
FAIRVIEW’S 2018 PARCC SUBGROUP OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 Hispanic 664 127 116 188 221 12 35% Econ. Disadvan. 472 86 83 124 174 5 38% Students with Disabilities 73 53 36 7% English Language Learners 90 62 23 3 2 2% <This chart can be used to show subgroup outcomes across the district, if desired. Fill in the name of the subgroup in the rows. DO NOT PRESENT DATA FOR SUBGROUPS THAT HAVE LESS THAN 11 VALID TEST SCORES> This chart shows subgroup outcomes across the district for the first year of the PARCC assessment for each of the subgroups for English Language Arts and Literacy.
FAIRVIEW’S 2018 PARCC SUBGROUP OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 Hispanic 685 135 198 187 162 3 24% Econ. Disadv 481 83 134 132 130 2 27% Students with Disabilities 174 60 76 31 6 1 4% English Language Learners 113 64 42 7 0% <This chart can be used to show subgroup outcomes across the district, if desired. Fill in the name of the subgroup in the rows. DO NOT PRESENT DATA FOR SUBGROUPS THAT HAVE LESS THAN 11 VALID TEST SCORES> This chart shows subgroup outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment for each of the subgroups for math.
Fairview Subgroup Trends 2018 Students with disabilities math PARCC scores in grades 3-5 have been stable since 14-15 with 6% meeting or exceeding proficiency levels, 15-16 7%, 16-17 7% and 2017-18 7%. Grades 3-5 ELA scores have improved since 14-15 with 5% meeting or exceeding, 15-16 11%, 16-17 15% and 17-18 15%. Grades 6-8 math scores have improved from 14-15 0% meeting or exceeding , 15-16 0%, 16-17 6% and 17-18 7%. Grades 6-8 ELA scores have improved slightly from 14-15 with 6% meeting or exceeding, 15-16 2%, 16-17 10% and 17-18 10%. Economically disadvantaged students math PARCC scores in grades 3-5 have improved since 14-15 with 19% meeting or exceeding proficiency levels, 15-16 27%, 16-17 24% and 2017-18 27%. Grades 3-5 ELA scores have improved since 14-15 with 29% meeting or exceeding, 15-16 37%, 16-17 39% and 17-18 39%.Grades 6-8 ELA scores have steadily improved: 14-15 25% meeting or exceeding,15-16 33%, 16-17 38% and 17-18 39%. Grades 6- 8 math scores have improved: 14-15 12% meeting or exceeding, 15-16 15%, 16-17 20% and 17-18 27%. English language learners math PARCC scores in grades 3-5 have not shown growth since 14-15 with 0% meeting or exceeding proficiency levels, 15-16 3%, 16-17 2 % and 2017-18 1%. Grades 3-5 ELA scores have not shown growth since 14-15 with 0 % meeting or exceeding, 15-16 0%, 16-17 5% and 17-18 3%. Grades 6-8 ELA scores have not shown growth: 14-15 0% meeting or exceeding,15-16 0%, 16-17 3% and 17-18 7%. Grades 6-8 math scores have not shown growth: 14-15 0% meeting or exceeding, 15-16 0%, 16-17 1% and 17-18 2%. Hispanic students math PARCC scores in grade 3 have trended lower since 16-17 and in the Spring of 2018 33.5% of students scored proficient and did not meet the annual target of 39.5%. Math PARCC scores in grades 4-8 have trended lower since 16-17 and in the Spring of 2018 21.8% of students scored proficient and did not meet the annual target of 23.8% . ELA scores in grade 3 have been stable since 16-17 and in the spring of 2018 34.7% of students scored proficient exceeding the annual target of 33.7%. In grades 4-8, ELA scores have trended lower since 16-17 and in the Spring of 2018 35.3% scored proficient and did not meet the annual target of 39.6% The PARCC assessments replaced our old assessments – the NJASK and the HSPA in language arts and math. Students began taking these assessments in third grade, as is required by federal law. As a result of a waiver won by the New Jersey Department of Education, students taking advanced coursework in middle school did not have to take two math tests. Instead, they took the assessment that was most closely aligned with their coursework. For example, a student in 8th grade who was taking Algebra I as a course was permitted to only take the Algebra I test and did not also have to take the 8th grade math test.
FAIRVIEW’S Comparative 2018 PARCC Data ELA Grade Fairview New Jersey PARCC States 3 38% 52% 41% 4 42% 58% 44% 5 43% 6 40% 56% 7 63% 47% 8 37% 60% <This chart can be used to show subgroup outcomes across the district, if desired. Fill in the name of the subgroup in the rows. DO NOT PRESENT DATA FOR SUBGROUPS THAT HAVE LESS THAN 11 VALID TEST SCORES> This chart shows subgroup outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment for each of the subgroups for math.
FAIRVIEW’S Comparative 2018 PARCC Data Math Grade Fairview New Jersey PARCC States 3 37% 53% 43% 4 16% 49% 38% 5 26% 6 28% 32% 7 20% 33% 8 19% Algebra I 70% 46% 39% <This chart can be used to show subgroup outcomes across the district, if desired. Fill in the name of the subgroup in the rows. DO NOT PRESENT DATA FOR SUBGROUPS THAT HAVE LESS THAN 11 VALID TEST SCORES> This chart shows subgroup outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment for each of the subgroups for math.
FAIRVIEW’S Historical PARCC Data ELA Grade 2015 2016 2017 2018 3 30% 32% 28% 38% 4 42% 46% 5 40% 45% 41% 6 31% 25% 33% 7 34% 44% 8 43% 37% <This chart can be used to show subgroup outcomes across the district, if desired. Fill in the name of the subgroup in the rows. DO NOT PRESENT DATA FOR SUBGROUPS THAT HAVE LESS THAN 11 VALID TEST SCORES> This chart shows subgroup outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment for each of the subgroups for math.
FAIRVIEW’S Historical PARCC Data Math Grade 2015 2016 2017 2018 3 25% 34% 32% 37% 4 12% 19% 22% 16% 5 26% 6 8% 21% 28% 7 20% 14% 8 13% Algebra I - 56% 70% <This chart can be used to show subgroup outcomes across the district, if desired. Fill in the name of the subgroup in the rows. DO NOT PRESENT DATA FOR SUBGROUPS THAT HAVE LESS THAN 11 VALID TEST SCORES> This chart shows subgroup outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment for each of the subgroups for math.
FAIRVIEW’S 2017 WIDA ESL Data Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 K 1 95% 24% 4% 36% 2% 22% 0% O% 2 15% 58% 3 47% 20% 27% 7% 4 45% 30% 10% 5 25% 42% 6 7 14% 5% 8 84% 8% 3% <This chart can be used to show subgroup outcomes across the district, if desired. Fill in the name of the subgroup in the rows. DO NOT PRESENT DATA FOR SUBGROUPS THAT HAVE LESS THAN 11 VALID TEST SCORES> This chart shows subgroup outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment for each of the subgroups for math.
FAIRVIEW’S 2018 WIDA ESL Data Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 K 1 75% 16% 14% 40% 9% 2% 4% 0% O% 2 10% 52% 26% 13% 3 33% 53% 4 44% 22% 5 38% 24% 29% 6 50% 7 17% 8 32% 36% <This chart can be used to show subgroup outcomes across the district, if desired. Fill in the name of the subgroup in the rows. DO NOT PRESENT DATA FOR SUBGROUPS THAT HAVE LESS THAN 11 VALID TEST SCORES> This chart shows subgroup outcomes for the first year of the PARCC assessment for each of the subgroups for math.