Spring 2019 James Bowie Middle School 8th Grade Student Presentation FBISD Graduation and Career Planning James Bowie Middle School 8th Grade Student Presentation PSAT 8/9 Spring 2019 Debbie Zubia January 23, 2019
Through the PSAT 8/9 Score Report, WE CAN… Learning Intentions Identify information to help students improve their academic skills List skills that students have the best chance of improving with additional work Address how students can connect with personal practice recommendations on Khan Academy Through the PSAT 8/9 Score Report, WE CAN…
Establishes a baseline measurement of college and career readiness. Enables teachers to adjust instruction to better support students who are ahead or behind Indicates if students are making “on target” progress toward the SAT benchmark. Measures the skills and knowledge needed to be ready for college and career. Connects students with opportunities, including free personalized practice tools on Khan Academy®. THE PSAT 8/9®
Each student will receive their paper score report Each student will receive their paper score report. However, more detail is available at psat.org/myscore To LogIn for more details, use the information on the front of your paper score report.
Mean Scores Fall 2018
Your total score is on page 2. This is your total score. It also shows your score compared to all other 8/9th grade students who took the PSAT 8/9. It is given as percentile. 50th percentile means that half of the students scored higher than you, and half scored lower. Your total score is the combination of” Your Evidence Based Reading and Writing Score and Your Math Score
PSAT 8/9 Score Report RED – Need to Strengthen skills YELLOW – Approaching Benchmark. You are close! GREEN – Meet or exceed Benchmark Reaching Benchmark means that the student is on track to be ready to succeed in select first year college courses.
PSAT 8/9 Score Report Gives students information on every question answered. You may login online to view questions and answers
PSAT 8/9 Score Report
PSAT 8/9 Score Report <
PSAT 8/9 PSAT 8/9
Personalized SAT® Practice through Khan Academy Send Score Data Personalized Learning Roadmap Official SAT Practice Tests
Currently Available with Khan Academy PSAT 8/9 Currently Available with Khan Academy
Currently Available with Khan Academy PSAT 8/9 Currently Available with Khan Academy
For more information on PSAT 8/9 visit www.collegeboard.org https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/about/be nefits/khan-academy-practice
Questions ???
Add These Dates to Your Calendar High School Nights for 8th Graders Austin HS – January 30 5:30-7:30pm Bush HS – January 22 5:30-7pm Travis HS – January 31 6-8pm Kempner HS – January 30 6:30-8pm