How are you going to start revising?
The three ‘hows’ of independent work Could complete this table: How am I going to revise? How long am I going to revise for? How will I know that I have made progress? How are you going to test yourself? Job here for mum or dad? How am I going to revise? How long am I going to revise for? How will I know that I have made progress?
Practice activities… Use a revision wall to display your learning Make flashcards Mind maps/diagrams Remaking class notes One to one conversation with teacher Use a revision guide Use resources on the VLE Sharepoint Read through class notes Work with a friend – set each other quizzes Create own assessment questions
Active recall is vital It is effective It saves time It is difficult and can be mentally uncomfortable Collect topics for the assessment – make a list of them Organise the notes - one side of A4? Could use mind maps Think of question – write it in the middle of the paper – and plan answer. Imagine you are a teacher and then explain to the ‘class’ – role for you here? Write a response to a question
Set a personal best Comfort zone Learning zone Panic zone!
Set a personal best They are personal Need to be specific Need the right level of challenge
Share revision and exam experiences that you have had and what you learned from them
Are there videos on ClickView/ BBC that could help with revision? Slavery clip
Habitualise Where is the revision taking place? 3Rs- Reminder -4.00 pm Routine – one hour in a quiet place, finishing at 5.00 pm 20 mins of high intensity work – no distractions, no phone 20 minutes off. Listening to music etc. 20 minutes again – no distractions Reward – cake / tea and a biscuit etc.
Rewards for effort Can you create a reward system? 1 hour 2 hours 15 mins. on tablet 30 mins. on tablet Choose dinner tonight Choose a film to watch Stay up later on Saturday
Organisation Is the book a mass of loose paper? Can you help to make the book ‘look good’? Ring binder for revision notes Sections for different subjects Plastic wallets/ highlighters etc.