Digital Electronics, EELE 3321 The Islamic University of Gaza Electrical Engineering Department Spring semester 2019
Instructor: Dr. Hatem Elaydi Office: Admin Building B100 Phone: 1144 Email: OH: SMW 9-10
Course description: In an analog design course, you have learned how to design and analyze analog circuits. Although analog electronics is a major part of electronics, many of today electronic systems are based on digital circuits, from hand held calculators to the most sophisticated computers. There has been a tremendous development in digital circuits over the past three decades, and there are a number of approaches for implementation of digital circuits. This course intends to give you a background on digital electronics. This course will cover various circuit families, including diode-transistor logic (DTL), transistor-transistor logic (TTL), emitter-coupled logic (ECL), NMOS, PMOS, and CMOS logic. In addition, various other circuits used in digital world will be covered. These include regenerative circuits, Schmitt-triggers, mutivibrators, RAMs, ROMs and Multiplexing circuits.
Course aims: EELE 3321 is intended to provide the electrical and computer engineering students with a familiarity to and an understanding of the analytical and computer skills required for the analysis, computer simulation, and design, and the capacity to apply this knowledge with creative skill to a variety of applications in electrical and computer engineering. The course focuses upon the systematic analysis and design of basic digital integrated circuits in CMOS technology, with a brief description of bipolar integrated circuit technologies. Problem solving and creative circuit design techniques are emphasized throughout.
Course outcomes Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: work productively with others toward the successful completion of group assignments. develop individual problem solution methods and present these methods to members of the assignment team. demonstrate engineering self-learning skills. design, implement, and document laboratory experiments with investigating analysis. complete the design of a practical digital system application within constraints of capital and time investment.
Course outcomes (2) Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: understand and explain the structure of commercially available digital integrated circuit families. calculate the critical voltages and plot the voltage transfer characteristics of commercial available integrated circuit families. estimate the transient characteristics of commercial available integrated circuit families using interface models. calculate power dissipation, fan-out, fan-in, noise margins of commercial available integrated circuit families.
Course outcomes (3) Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: make device and logic family selections and evaluations for design purposes. critique system design and make solution suggestions for digital noise reduction. Use computer simulation to estimate the effective of temperature, fan-out, interconnection, and structure on the static and dynamic characteristics of commercially available digital integrated circuits.
Textbook: Digital Integrated Circuits by DeMassa and Ciccone, John Wiley, 2001. Supplementary material Microelectronic Circuit Design, R.C. Yaeger, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1997. Microelectronic Circuits, 3rd edition, Sedra and Smith, Sounders, 1991. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Bylestand and Nashelsky. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1996. Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective. Jan M. Rabaey, Prentice Hall, 1996. Digital Microelectronics, H. Haznedar, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, New York, 1991
Grading Policy: Grade Activity 20 pts. Mid-term Exam 40 pts. Final Exam Project 10 pts. Quizzes Class Participation
Chapter Description 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 10 11 Time 2 hrs 3 hrs Time 1 Properties and definitions of Digital ICs 2 hrs 2 Diodes, Diode Resistor Logic 3-4 BJTs (3.6-3.9). The Ebers-Moll model, Introduction to Bipolar Digital Circuits 5 RTL 3 hrs 6 DTL 7 TTL 10 TTL Gates 11 Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic
Chapter Description 16-17 18-21 22 23 24 25 & 28 32 33 Time 2 hrs. Time 16-17 MOSFETs, Introduction to MOS Digital Circuits 2 hrs. 18-21 Loaded NMOS Inverter 3 hrs 22 Combinational Logic Gates 2 hrs 23 CMOS Inverter 24 CMOS Combinational Logic Gates 25 & 28 Transmission Gates & Dynamic MOSFETs 32 Read-Only Memories (ROMs) 33 Random Access Memories (RAMs) Exams