Standardisation Coordination Patricia Compard Chair of CEN/TC 391 STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. What are standards ? Documents providing, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose Standards are concrete and shared outcomes, workable for all stakeholders developed by consensus of experts Investments and powerful lever to strengthen resilience and develop markets STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. What can Standardisation achieve ? Strengthen trust and improve operational understanding between stakeholders (users, first responders, policy makers, organizations’ managers, providers, suppliers, EU Institutions, Research Projects, Citizens…) Develop common language Harmonize processes and practices Develop for take-up useful research and innovation results Deliver technical compatibility of material or interoperability of systems or data Produce more cost-effective outcomes for both end-users and suppliers Share conformity assessment means (certification, accreditation) STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. What can Pre-standardization achieve ? Pre-standardization is building the forward-looking big picture, particularly needed in EU current context Standardization achievements are also in the preliminary processes Areas of improvements to be identified including, enhanced coordination or research and innovation Comprehensive guiding instruments for setting up priorities, developping coordination, improving the relevance of investments including research and innovation, developing needed and used standards STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. Strenghtening pre-standardisation : the STAIR 4 SECURITY project H2020 funded Coordination and Support Action (2019-2020) managed by CEN-CENELEC Disaster Risk Resilience + CBRNE coordination and pre-standardisation project Focused on the needs of security policy makers, managers and first responders (suppliers and research needs are the ones of their customers). Establish a permanent governance mechanism of pre-standardisation activities for DRR+CBRNE STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. Strenghtening pre-standardisation : STAIR 4 SECURITY Objectives Establish a permanent expert platform setting a mechanism of coordination of research- related standardisation activities in the security sector Build up on a legacy of identified projects Provide a “single entry point” for integrated information related to standards Identify and assess standardization potential of research results, especially of projects where National Standardization Bodies are not involved Improve and disseminate standardisation mechanisms STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. Strenghtening standardisation coordination : The CEN/CENELEC Sector Forum Security Why set up a Sector Forum ? The Sector Forum Security act as an advisory and coordination body for standardisation activities related to security Standards to address Societal Security challenges Create a EU-wide market for security products and services Build a strategic Framework for European Security STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. The CEN/CENELEC Sector Forum Security Overcome or solve fragmented standardisation structures+initiatives challenges CEN/TC 263 ”Secure storage of cash, valuables and data media” CEN/TC 391 ”Societal and citizen security” CEN/TC 439 ”Private security services” CEN/CLC/TC 4 ”Services for fire safety and security systems” CEN/TC 72 ”Fire detection and alarm systems” CEN/TC 79 ”Respiratory protective devices” CEN/TC 162 ”Protective clothing including hand and arm protection” CEN/TC 164 ”Water supply” CEN/TC 192 ”Fire service equipment” CEN/TC 234 ”Gas infrastructure” CEN/TC 388 ”Perimeter protection” CLC/TC 79 ”Alarm systems” CEN/TC 325 ”Crime prevention by urban planning and building design” CEN/CLC/TC 8 ”Privacy management in products and services” CEN/CLC/TC 13 ”Cyber security and data protection” STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. The CEN/CENELEC Sector Forum Security Coordinate ongoing European standardisation activities regarding security topics which are being handled within sectorial sectors Develop holistic and transverse approach Develop a mapping of security related standards to visualize gaps and overlap, to set up priorities and to identify the need for further action (BT or TC) Define the CEN and CENELEC response to European legislation and market/industry drivers in the security sector Conciliate the interests of users with research community and security industry Raise awareness within security industry on the benefits of European standars Maintain the exchange of information, experience and prospecting at national, European and International level Develop a network of security experts STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH. Join the CEN-CENELEC Sector Forum SECURITY Kick-off meeting on April 16th in CEN-CENELEC Expected participants: Security related activities users and experts involved in standardisation activities at strategic level (CEN-CENELEC TC representatives, NSBs representatives, Industry and Research representatives) STANDARDS, INNOVATION, RESEARCH.
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