What Is It Used For… “We are in a sense as much responsible… for what we do to others with words… as we would be with weapons”
Present Judicial History… If so…“the path to our own destruction may lie less in the weapons we can conceive” and more with the destructive construction… in the laws we can create.
Our Beginning History… “It is said that God… made man in his image… but man fell from grace. Still, man… has retained from his humble beginnings... the innate desire to create.”
Status of the State… “But how will mankind’s creations fare? Will they attain a measure of the divine… or will they too, fall from grace?”
Our Government… Mankind has created a legal system and attempted to introduce a distinction between “interpretation” and “construction”… but what if, our understanding of these concepts is defined….
A Map of Destruction… …. only by the “intellectualism of indifference” and not from Mankind’s true creations of …
A Population of Ideals… “empathy, sacrifice, love... these qualities are not confined to walls of flesh and blood…
Our National Resources… …but are found within the deepest, best parts of man’s soul... no matter where that soul resides.”
Our Natural Resources… Its people… Its citizens… and our children… all having Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
A Place to Visit… The soul of a God Loving Nation… America the land that I Love… with Liberty and Justice for all…
A Nation’s Model… In God We Trust
Works Cited… A List of the resources we used for our research: The Declaration of Independence… The United States Constitution… and The Bill of Rights… “Our True Constitutional Design.” With our trust in the soul of a man… being of three powers in one body… “In Order to Form a More Perfect Union between the powers in Heaven and on Earth.”
We thank you… For taking the time to share a thought… and a Revelation in the making. Be the miracle… by sending this thought to a friend.
Their thoughts could be many… their words should be few and… their actions would produce… The Laws of Understanding.
Ideas for Today and Tomorrow and Beyond A HINDSIGHT PRESENTATION www.spirit76.info