Oemof user meeting 09-10/05/2017 Berlin RLI
Agenda How I have used oemof until now: Multi-nodes Energy system model for Italy (electricity sector) What I‘m working on at the moment: Coupling of a Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to oemof
The idea Multi-nodes Energy system model for Italy (MW)
Italian energy system model: installed power 2014
Italian energy system model Model based on real data (source: TERNA, Italian TSO) At the moment the developed model is only on the electricity sector (in the future the heat and transport sectors will be integrated) First results This is an example of an evaluation done on the Italian energy system divided in the 6 main zones of the electricity market. This scenario considers an increase of the installed power of wind and PV equal to the 75% of their potential (120 GW for PV, 49 GW for wind power). This evaluation highlights few problems of the Italian energy system: The highest potential of variable renewable energy is in the south of Italy while the majority of the installed power of electric storage (pumped hydro) is placed in the north. The current trasmission constraints of the electric grid are not sufficient to absorb the overgeneration from RES without congenstion problems and curtailment.
Agenda How I have used oemof until now: Multi-nodes Energy system model for Italy (electricity sector) What I‘m working on at the moment: Coupling of a Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to oemof
Multi objective evolutionary algorithm coupled to oemof Generate initial population Evaluate each individual (on annual costs and CO2 emissions) Rank each individual: Fitness function Stopping criteria met? No Yes STOP Generate a new population Through operators: Parent selection Crossover Mutation Input variables: Capacities of RES Capacity of electric storage Trasmission constraints Oemof model Used as simulation dispatch model (minimizing CO2 emissions) Output: Distribution data: PV Wind … Total annual costs CO2 emissions or %RES Oemof Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA)
Optimization variables Current values [GW] Potential [GW] 8.1 0.1 0.6 55.5 1000 [GWh] Capacities of VRES Capacity of electric storage Trasmission constraints Current values [GW] Potential [GW] 2.2 0.1 0.7 12.4 1000 [GWh] Current values [GW] Potential [GW] 2.6 1.5 8.6 26.1 1000 [GWh] Current values [GW] Potential [GW] 0.7 1.0 5.6 3.3 1000 [GWh] Current values [GW] Potential [GW] 3.5 4.1 23.5 13.9 1000 [GWh] Current values [GW] Potential [GW] 1.3 1.7 9.8 10.1 1000 [GWh]
Thanks for your attention Contact us: www.eurac.edu MatteoGiacomo.prina@polimi.it MatteoGiacomo.prina@eurac.edu Matteo.Prina@rl-institut.de Tel. +39 0471 055587