Gifts and Fruits Of the Holy Spirit Presented to Peterborough Diocese April 30, 2017
Who is the Holy Spirit? Third person of the Blessed Trinity Mystery Animator Brings life to the Church Shares in our life as people of God He is the exchange of love between Father and Son
ACTIVITY Choose the keeper of the gift bag. Pull out the baggies and bingo cards Present one of each to the people at your table Match each item to a gift named on the card (do this in silence) (3 min.) Share your choices
A – ha! Wisdom See and understand God’s plan for us Learn from our mistakes Put it all into perspective so that we can say… A – ha!
Understanding Get to the bottom of things Letting the Word of God have room in our lives Helps us untie the knots, to deal with our problems
Counsel (Right Judgment) Ability to see the whole picture so we can make good choices Know what is right or wrong Allows us to keep from feeling like…
Fortitude (Courage) Do the right thing even when it is hard to Helps us to walk into the world and feel prepared… live by our convictions Gives us the stick-to-it-iveness that we stand up for and believe
Knowledge See what is important and what is not Helps us to know ourselves and the world around us Know where our faith is leading us We are just …
Piety (Reverence) See God in everything and everyone Be attentive, have a listening heart, be prayerful Teaches us to treat our fragile world gently
Fear of the Lord (Awe and Wonder) (Reverence for God) Be really aware of the wonder of God’s creation Recognize the miracles in everyday life Wonder and awe explode like a …
Prayer God of love and of life, let us take time to look deep within ourselves and discover the gifts you have blessed us with. May we take the time to direct our lives in a way that best uses our own unique combination of gifts. May our faith guide us in realizing our gifts. May we always be open to the direction of the Spirit and never forget the love you have for each of us.
Give us the courage to show others the talents they have. Give us, O Lord, the perception we need to look within ourselves and discover the beauty and gifts we posses. Give us the courage to show others the talents they have. Help us serve others in the community and in so doing build up your kingdom. We pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. May we always feel the presence of the Holy Spirit directing us and guiding us. May we use the gifts that the Spirit offers to help others who struggle with decisions in their own lives. May we do all this in love and service to you, O Lord. Amen.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity
Activity Read and reflect – quietly Begin a sharing circle to talk about the reflection question I need the fruit of _____(name the fruit)________for my work in the league to ____________________________________.