Writing Prompts 6/04/18 – 6/08/18
June 4 On June 4, 1896, Henry Ford made his first operational car. The style and designs of automobiles have changed over the years. What do you think the cars of the future will look like? After you have written a description, you can also draw an illustration.
June 5 On this day in 1783, the Montgolfier brothers completed the first hot air balloon flight. The passengers in this first flight were a sheep, rooster and duck. Explain why you think the brothers chose these animals to ride in the balloon. Would you have done the same thing?
June 6 On this day in 1933, the first drive-in movie theater opened in New Jersey. Today there are few drive-ins that still exist. Would you rather watch a movie at a drive-in or a standard movie theater? Explain your thinking.
June 7 The first week of June is “National Fishing Week.” Have you ever been on a fishing trip? If so, what was you favorite part of the trip? What was your least favorite? If you have not been fishing before, would you like to go on a trip? Why or why not?
June 8 On this day in 1867, Frank Lloyd Wright was born. Wright was a well-respected architect. He designed a number of famous homes. If you were able to design the house of your dreams, what would it look like?