Exploring Technology
Technological Advances
Exploring Technology Technological developments or the creation of new types of technology promote human growth In this presentation we will explore two examples of technological developments: Techniques Tools
Example 1: Techniques Clear cutting refers to the clearing of forested areas by cutting down the vegetation (trees, shrubs and other plants) in the area This is also referred to as deforestation Why clear the forest?
Human Development We clear forested areas in order to build shopping centers, homes, and roads These forests are also cleared to create farmland
Before and after
Resulting human development
Example 2: Tools Electronic devices (cell phones, computers) are becoming a huge problem because technology is changing so quickly Computers, televisions and other electronic devices are being thrown out as “wastes” These wastes are known “e-waste”
E-waste Electronics contain hazardous materials that can be released into the soil and water as they sit in landfills In 2007, it was estimated that Americans produced 3 million tons of e-waste
Directions: Turn to a partner and discuss the following question What did you do with your last cell phone, old T.V./computer? Stop and Chat