SNDA Presenta: El Dentista Head & Neck Cabeza y Cuello October 21, 2016
Quick Review Last week’s episode: Hello My name is My phone number is
This Week: Head and Neck Head and Neck exam as well as some things you’ll need to communicate with your patients. Things like, telling you patient what to do, move this way, or do this.
Anatomical terms Head La Cabeza Neck El cuello Cheek El cachete o la mejilla Gums Las encias Teeth Los dientes Tongue La lengua
Anatomical Terms Chin La barbilla Nose La Nariz Mouth La boca Mandible La mandibula, la quijada Palate El paladar Throat La garganta Lips Los labios
Commands Open your mouth Habra la boca Close your mouth Cierre la boca Smile Sonria Bite Muerda Chewing Mastique Tap Tap Tap Tap tap tap (muerda, muerda, muerda) Grind Rechìne
Commands Swallow (you can swallow) Se lo puede pasar (trage su saliva) Spit Escupa Raise your left hand if it hurts Levante su mano izquierda si le duele Touch the teeth that hurts Toque el diente que le duele Turn your head to.. R or L Mueva la cabeza para la Derecha o Izquierda
Informing Patient We are going to do a cancer screening Vamos a hacer un exam de deteccion de cancer I am going to check you neck Voi a revisar su cuello Move your tongue Mueva la lengua To the right, left, up out Para la derecha, inzquierda, arriba, abajo
Informing Patient I am going to recline the chair Voi a reclinar la silla We are going to take X-rays Vamos a tomar radiografias You are going to feel a little pressure Va a sentir un poco de presion It seems like everything is normal Al parecer todo esta normal I am going to palpate your lips Voi a palpitar (tocar) sus labios, voi a revisar sus labios
Questions Was that painful? Le dolio? Is this tooth sensitive? Tiene sensibilidad en el diente? When was the last time you have seen the dentist? Cuando fue la ultima vez que vio al dentista? How long have you had the pain? Hace cuanto tiempo que tiene dolor? When did the pain start? Cuando empezo el dolor?
Questions Where is the pain exactly? Donde le duele exactamente Is it a sharp, dull or burning pain? es un dolor agudo, no muy aguno o con ardor? Do you wear dentures? Usa dentadura postiza?
Areas of use Great for screening, radiology, oral surgery, and intraoral extraoral examinations.
Next time Medical History