Intelligence & Individual Differences Myers Ch. 11 Intelligence & Individual Differences
“The Intelligence War” What is intelligence? How do we best assess it? What should those tests really determine?
The ability to direct one’s thinking, adapt to one’s circumstances, and learn from one’s experiences.
Names to know… Spearman = g factor Thurston = 7 factors Sternberg = Three intelligences Gardner = multiple (8 to be exact) Goleman—emotional intelligence
Intelligence Testing Stanford-Binet—mental age Terman-IQ (mental age/physical age) Aptitude vs. achievement = future vs. past WAIS WISC Bell Curve M=100 Sd=15
Degrees of Intellectual Disability Mild 50-70 Moderate 35-50 Severe 20-35 Profound below 20 Down syndrome—extra chromosome 21
Take the Chitling Test Answers to the Chitling Test: 1-c, 2-c, 3-c, 4-d, 5-c, 6-e, 7-c, 8-c, 9-c, 10-c, 11-a, 12-c, 13-d
Reliability The extent to which a test yields consistent results 1) Test-Retest 2) Split-half 3) Alternate form Basically…if you take the test again, you will get a similar score.
Validity The extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to 1) Content validity—a test samples the behavior that is of interest 2) Predictive validity—the extent to which a test predicts the desired behavior
Factors? Heredibility? Mz twins (shared home) r =.86 Mz twins (separate home) r = .78 Dz twins r = .60 Parent/child r = .42 Siblings r = .47 Siblings (non biological/shared home r = .32 Siblings (biological raised apart) r = .24
Factors--Environmental Flynn Effect—TED TALK Improved nutrition Breast feeding = 6 points Improved education Wealth Life = more demanding and complicated Oldest child (3.5 points)
The past and the future… Eugenics 2 Designer Babies