2006. 11. Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [CSS Comment Resolution of Sponsor Ballot] Date Submitted: [Nov. 2006] Source: [(1) Kyung-Kuk Lee (2) Rainer Hach] Company [(1) Orthotron Co., Ltd., (2) Nanotron Technologies] Address [(1) 709 Kranz Techono, 5442-1 Sangdaewon-dong, Jungwon-gu, Sungnam-si, Kyungki-do, Korea 462-120, (2) Alt-Moabit 60, 10555 Berlin, Germany] Voice:[(1) 82-31-777-8198, (2) +49 30 399 954 207 ], FAX: [], E-Mail: [(1) kyunglee@orthotron.com, (2) r.hach@nanotron.com] Re: [] Abstract: [] Purpose: [Submit Comment Resolution of SB] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1987900023: 6.5a.5.1 20g Comment 1987800023: 6.5a.4.6 Comment 1987700023: 6.5a.4.6 Accept in principle QPSK Output phase sequence does not agree with mapper input sequence and Table 26c symbol map, i.e. (-1+j) is mapped to -pi/2 in the example and pi/2 in Table 26c The example will be reworked due to comment 1928800023 Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1987600023: 6.5a.2.2 bit Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1987500023: 6.5a.2.1 6.5a.2.5 Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
Comment 1983200023: 6.5a.5.1 2006. 11. : Additional Editorial 0.005 The value of 0.0025 implies about 0.5 dB amplitude and 4 degree phase RMS accuracy. This seems too strict for low cost devices, sometimes measured through an integral : Additional Editorial 0.005 Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
Properties of Quantized CSS Signal 2006. 11. Properties of Quantized CSS Signal Floating-Point Spectrum Fixed-Point (4-bit) Spectrum Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
Fixed-Point (4-bit) Waveform 2006. 11. Properties of Quantized CSS Signal Floating-Point Waveform Fixed-Point (4-bit) Waveform (MSE = 0.0041) Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
Reject Comment 1983100023: 6.5a.5.1 Comment 1983000023: 6.5a.4.3 2006. 11. Comment 1983100023: 6.5a.5.1 Comment 1983000023: 6.5a.4.3 The text says "The constant tau(m) is either added or subtracted", however eq. 1b shows (1-(-1)^n)tau(m) which means that the delay is eithen not added or added twice Accept: Replace by is either „not added or added twice“ Reject Comment 1982900023: 6.5a.2.6 The use of QPSK differential encoding, although improves robustness to frequency offsets, incurs a significant sensitivity degradation due to "squaring loss" effect when used after a low-rate encoder Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
Comment 1982800023: 6.5a.4.3 Comment 1981500023: Figure E28 and E29 2006. 11. Comment 1982800023: 6.5a.4.3 In equation 1a, since chirp is described, the time should probably be squared. Comment 1981500023: Figure E28 and E29 Reject The assumptions and conditions for these simulations have been subject of numerous discussions with TAG19. Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1970800023: 6.5a.5.1 Need to add measurement conditions, as in 6.8a.11.2 Recommended Measurement Conditions: - Resolution BW: 100 KHz - Video BW: 1 KHz Comment 1970700023: 6.5a.5.1 incorrect inequality sign - does not tie up with fig 20g Comment 1970600023: 6.5a.5.1 range is at least strangely specified and may be completely wrong. I think you are trying to say "between 11 and 22MHz" Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1970500023: 6.5a.5.1 Using |f| does not give a response normalised on the centre frequency. Applies several times in this para. Comment 1970400023: 6.5a.4.3 Comment 1970300023: page 55 Need to Re-alignment Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1970200023: page 49 Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1970100023: 6.5a.2.2 bit Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1953100023: 6.5a.4.3 &these time and frequency parameters are assumed to be derived from a reference crystal in a locked manner&'. Is this trying to say that ppm error in chirp sub-band centre frequencies, in chirp rate, and time gaps should all be equal? Comment 1953000023: 6.5a.2.6 Accept in principle Feedback memory of 4 does not seem to be explained by the equation for DQPSK output - nowhere in the equation references the fourth sample back in memory Add the following reference to the first paragraph of 6.5a.2.6: For a detailed explanation of the index variables n and k, please see 6.5a.4.3 Comment 1940400023: 6.5a The 2450MHz CSS physical layer violates the PAR. Comment 1933600023: E6.5 typo "sytstems" Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1932100023: 6.5a.5.4 Comment 1932000023: 6.5a.5.4 non-overlapping Comment 1931900023: 6.5a.2.2 upper Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
2006. 11. Comment 1928900023: 6.5a.4.2 Accept in principle, replace replace "more orthogonal" with "increase effective span of the vector space" Orthogonal is a absolute. The time gaps are chosen to “give the four different sub-chirp sequences more orthogonallity”. by “to make the four sequences even closer to being orthogonal” Comment 1928800023: 6.5a.4.6 Accept, Replace replace 1 1 0 1 0 0 with 0 1 0 1 1 0 and rework the example based on this Table 26a shows that this choice generates all possible combinations of phase and is more illustrative than the example given where the subchirp coefficients degrade to only -1-j and -1+j Input data: 0 1 0 1 1 0 Demux, I: 0 0 1, Q: 1 1 0 Serial to parallel, I: { 0 0 1}, Q{ 1 1 0} Bi-orthogonal Mapping (r=3/4), I : 1 -1 1 -1 Q : -1 -1 1 1 P/S and QPSK symbol mapping, Mapper Input: (1-j), (-1-j), (1+j),(-1+j) QPSK Output Phase: -π/2, π, 0, π/2 D-QPSK Coding (Initial phase of 4 feedback memory for D-QPSK are all π/4) -π/4, -3π/4, π/4, 3π/4 Sub-chirp sequence of D-QCSK output: [exp(-jπ/4) * subchirp(k=1), exp(-j3/4 π) * subchirp(k=2), exp(jπ/4) * subchirp(k=3), exp(j3/4 π) * subchirp(k=4)] Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach
Comment 1850100023: All Comment 1847300023: page 49 2006. 11. Comment 1850100023: All Please look over the use of italics and upright text within the equations of this draft. Need to upgrade Comment 1847300023: page 49 Same with Comment 1970200023 Comment 1847200023: page 42 same with comment 1987500023 Kyung-Kuk Lee, Rainer Hach