2016 Mid-West Electric Annual Meeting Southwest Power Pool: One Year Later Tom Meland, General Manager Central Power Electric Cooperative
2016 Mid-West Electric Annual Meeting RTO - Regional Transmission Organization MP - Market Participant TO - Transmission Owner UMZ - Upper Missouri Zone (Zone 19) SPP - Southwest Power Pool FTR - Formula Transmission Rate ATRR - Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement NITS - Network Integrated Transmission Service LMP - Locational Marginal Price TCR – Transmission Congestion Right
2016 Mid-West Electric Annual Meeting
2016 Mid-West Electric Annual Meeting Central Power Electric Cooperative SPP Integration January 1, 2016 12 FERC Settlement Hearings (in DC) 15 Technical Meetings (Bismarck, Minneapolis) 138 Conference calls $420k FERC Legal Counsel & Tech. Consultants (CPEC $160M Annual Revenue w/$2,000k Annual A&G Expense) Already did an Annual Update (July 1, 2016) AND WE ARE NOT FINISHED WITH ORIGINAL SETTLEMENT HEARING! Consolation - $10M ATRR ($3.5M was already in IS under lease to Basin - $6.5M net)