Austin Brown Adam Webb Colby Jarrett Tony Charles Killer 3000 Austin Brown Adam Webb Colby Jarrett Tony
Overview of Device: It’s Awesome. Our device begins by harnessing the power of falling water to turn a water wheel. The wheel tightens a rubber band that powers a fan. The fan then blows a ping-pong ball into a marble that is then propelled down a chute. At the bottom of the chute, the marble hits an arm that simultaneously knocks another marble down a series of ramps, and sends a row of Jenga™ blocks tumbling in a domino effect. The Jenga™ blocks trip a catapult that will hurl fiery doom upon Charles. The marble falls onto a mousetrap that pulls a support out from under a trebuchet, delivering a coup-de-gracé to an already dazed Charles! As this unfolds, the falling counterweight strikes a marble that then slides down a chute onto another mousetrap that pulls the final pin to lower our counterweight and complete the final task. As everyone stares in awe, a flag is raised, declaring victory over Charles and all of EF 151!
Potential Energy of Spring – Mouse Trap, Rubber Band Energy Sources Potential Energy of Spring – Mouse Trap, Rubber Band ½ kx^2 Gravitational Potential Energy- Marble, Water, Trebuchet, and Counterweight Mgh Kinetic Energy – Fan ½ mv^2
The Beast: Construction Issues One of the main flaws in our plan is it’s over-complexity. Often we’d fix one known problem only to be confronted with something else that had decided to mess up on us. We were confronted also with a group full of people that knew that their way of doing something was the right way to do it. This led to many heated arguments and moments of frustration. It also doesn’t help that we had Colby… honestly… that’s pretty rough.
Conclusions: The End… of Charles Overall the project was an excellent way to put together what we’ve learned in EF. It also showed us the sort of things we’re going to have to put up with when we get out into engineering careers. (Though hopefully we won’t have to work with Colby again.) Also, if we have not yet used our apparatus, Charles, your doom is at hand. If we have, then we will now be reveling in our victory!