The Carolina Latina/o Collaborative Purpose To build collaborative relationships across campus and the community amongst diverse groups focusing on Latina/o issues. To offer space for programming that reflects cutting-edge, interdisciplinary innovations in scholarship, education, culture, and community engagement.
History Former Provost Gray-Little gave the CLC its official charge at the end of the spring semester of 2009 based upon the recommendations of the Emerging Campus Communities (ECC) Taskforce led by Associate Executive Provost Ron Strauss.
History Undergraduate initiative of CHispA Emerging Campus Communities Taskforce Diverse group of administrators, faculty, staff and students that recognized A need for greater visibility of Latinas/os at UNC and in the community Many great opportunities for collaborations amongst existing initiatives, programs, and student and community groups
The Program in Latina/o Studies Dr. María DeGuzmán, Director A Transdisciplinary Program Housed in the Department of English & Comparative Literature The Latina/o Cultures Speakers Series The Minor in Latina/o Studies The Latina/o Studies Working Group The Latina/o Studies Film Database Further Developments
Collaborative? The CLC is not a university center. Inclusive of all those interested in Latina/o affairs Faculty, staff, students, and community members
How can the CLC help you? Space Promotion Networking 3 smart rooms and a conference room Art gallery Patio Break room Promotion Posters Email Mailings Networking
How can you help the CLC? Put us to work Use our space Help us build a network of supporters and allies Spread the word about the CLC and the Program in Latina/o Studies Contact me for further information: John Ribó jdribo@email.unc.edu 919.360.5465