Fostering Ad-Hoc Collaboration Between Marketing and R&D Departments (Concurrency Corporation)
Contents Executive Summary Current State Analysis Future State Analysis Adoption & Implementation Planning Next Steps 2
Background A consumer product development company, faces a number of challenges related to interdepartmental collaboration between the Marketing and R&D departments, including: Inefficient communication and collaboration between departments Long cycle times to address critical issues along the product development lifecycle Lack of cross-visibility between the departments, leading to divergent directions in product development that must be laboriously reconciled later Labor intensive preparation for weekly sync meetings between R&D and Marketing stakeholders to address trivial problems Critical issues are often not identified until late in the product development process The net result of these challenges is increased time to market, increased product development cost, and lower product profitability 3
Background Due to lack of frequent collaboration between marketing and R&D teams, teams working on the same project often diverge and require time consuming and costly realignment during the product development process: Marketing Path Converge R&D Path Converge Project Kickoff Product Launch Mid-course Realignment Meeting
Engagement Participants Participant Name Department Role (name) (department) (title) 5
Executive Summary Concurrency proposes expanding upon your current Office System deployment to incorporate Ad-Hoc Collaboration capabilities Implementing the proposed Ad-Hoc Collaboration solution will provide you with: Real-time collaboration between product development stakeholders within the departments 25% decrease in time to market, from 8 months to 6 months 25% increase in sales due to better, more feature rich products 30% reduction in product development labor time and cost 6
Executive Summary By promoting constant Ad-Hoc Collaboration between the Marketing and R&D teams, you can ensure proper alignment between the efforts of the two teams The teams function more as one unit, rather than two separate units More marketing and engineering data is available earlier in the design process, which ensures better, more marketable products Ultimately, this alignment reduces the time, effort, and cost to get products to market, and increases product revenues: Marketing Path R&D Path Project Kickoff Product Launch Ad-Hoc Collaboration
Executive Summary 8
Executive Summary 9
Contents Executive Summary Current State Analysis Future State Analysis Adoption & Implementation Planning Next Steps 10
Current State Process Analysis Product Development Process – Analysis Summary Process Phase Description Marketing identifies new product development opportunity R&D and Marketing assess development strategies & product features through email and structured face-to-face meetings If product is technically feasible and marketable, both groups begin product development effort Marketing and R&D stakeholders conduct monthly sync meetings to assess progress, realign objectives, and solve problems R&D designs the product Marketing develops marketing plans and campaign materials based on the product design R&D finalizes design and turns designs over to manufacturing Marketing researches final designs, works with R&D SMEs to finalize marketing materials Key Stakeholders R&D Managers Marketing Managers R&D Staff Marketing Staff High-Level Problems Identified Long cycle time during conceptual design phase, as R&D and Marketing assess cost, technical feasibility, and marketability of product features Long cycle time to develop product specifications Laborious process to plan initial kick-off, technical assessments, and planning meetings Inconsistent communication and collaboration leads to problems with both the features included in the product design, and the marketing emphasis for the product Problems are resolved on a monthly, rather than continuous basis, adding cycle time to the design process Laborious process to plan weekly sync meetings Critical issues are often only identified in the last design phase, delaying product launch No easy way to disseminate product knowledge, leads to repetition of errors Laborious and time consuming process for marketing team to research final product specifications and create marketing material Impact Delays during early design allow competition to beat Concurrency to market Important design features which affect product marketability are removed Marketing cannot adequately articulate the benefits of product features Impacts time to market and product profitability Assess Product Opportunity Design Product Launch Product 11
Current State Process Diagram 12
Current State Process Diagram 13
Current State Process Diagram 14
Contents Executive Summary Current State Analysis Future State Analysis Adoption & Implementation Planning Next Steps 15
Future State Process Analysis Product Development Process – Analysis Summary – Analysis Summary New Process Phase Description Marketing identifies new product opportunities Marketing communicates with R&D SMEs through IM and SharePoint 2010 collaboration spaces to quickly assess product feature alternatives R&D Engineers collaborate with Marketing SMEs on an ad-hoc basis via IM and SharePoint sites Managers conduct ad-hoc reviews via Live Meeting As product designs and marketing emphasis are solidified, both teams update a common Wiki Information is continuously passed between the departments, ensuring alignment in development efforts R&D and Marketing staff use Wikis IMs with SMEs, Live Meetings, and SharePoint Expertise Search to more easily locate and disseminate vital product information Marketing and R&D staff routinely update product Wikis and blogs to keep each team up-to-date on current product features Marketing team finalizes marketing material based on Wiki and blog data Key Stakeholders R&D Managers Marketing Managers R&D Staff Marketing Staff High-Level Improvements Marketing and R&D teams can quickly assess new technologies and develop product specifications Better alignment of efforts reduces downstream labor and cycle time Better distribution of product knowledge during the process reduces product finalization and launch efforts Better distribution of product knowledge leads to better, more marketable products Critical issues are identified earlier Product launch efforts are reduced Impact / Benefit Reduction in cost and time to market Increase in product sales Assess Product Opportunity Design Product Launch Product 16
Prioritized Process Solutions Delivering Office System Solutions: Expanding Your Practice and Portfolio Offerings with the Office System Prioritized Process Solutions High 5 Deploy SharePoint Server 2010 (SharePoint Server 2010 ) Deploy Office Communication Server 2007 R2 (Office Communication Server 2007 R2 ) Level Of Complexity 3 Enable advanced SharePoint Features: Blogs, Wikis, Expertise Search, Presence (Office Communication Server 2007 R2, SharePoint Server 2010 ) Low 1 1 3 5 Low Value to Business High 17
Future State Process Diagram
Future State Process Diagram
Anticipated Benefits - Process ID Process Phase Improvement Description Benefits Technology Leveraged KPI Impact(s) Affected Stakeholders 1 Assess Product Opportunity Marketing identifies new product opportunities Marketing communicates with R&D SMEs through IM and SharePoint 2010 collaboration spaces to quickly assess product feature alternatives Marketing and R&D teams can quickly assess new technologies and develop product specifications Project Server 2010 SharePoint Server 2010 with Excel Services 50% reduction in phase cycle time 50% reduction in phase labor cost Marketing Staff R&D Staff 2 Design Product R&D Engineers collaborate with Marketing SMEs on an ad-hoc basis via IM and SharePoint sites Managers conduct ad-hoc reviews via Live Meeting As product designs and marketing emphasis are solidified, both teams update a common Wiki Information is continuously passed between the departments, ensuring alignment in development efforts Better alignment of efforts Better distribution of product knowledge Exchange Server 2010 25% reduction in phase cycle time 25% reduction in phase labor cost 3 Launch Product R&D and Marketing staff use Wikis IMs with SMEs, Live Meetings, and SharePoint Expertise Search to more easily locate and disseminate vital product information Marketing and R&D staff routinely update product Wikis and blogs to keep each team up-to-date on current product features Marketing team finalizes marketing material based on Wiki and blog data Critical issues are identified earlier R&D staff use Wikis and IMs with SMEs to more easily disseminate vital product information SharePoint Server 2010 Office Communication Server 2007 R2 75% reduction in phase labor cost 20
Contents Executive Summary Current State Analysis Future State Analysis Adoption & Implementation Planning Next Steps 21
Adoption & Implementation Planning Summary ID Improvement Description Resources Required Implementation Owner Additional Stakeholders Notes 1 Deploy SharePoint Server 2010 IT department resources for solution development and/or project management Marketing and R&D volunteers for pilot testing Director of IT R&D Staff Marketing Staff 2 Deploy Office Communication Server 2007 R2 3 Enable advanced SharePoint Features: Blogs, Wikis, Expertise Search, Presence Executive summary of the proposed solution and benefits, anticipated resources required, anticipated project roll-out and timing, roles and responsibilities of implementation stakeholders, risks and mitigation summary, and any high-level change management plans. Easiest to complete after detailed implementation sections developed. Resources Required: Summary of financial and non-financial resources required for implementation. Starting with the cost analysis from the business case developed on Day 4, include additional resources for project oversight, implementation participation, and any other components (e.g., office space) required, both from an internal and external perspective. Also highlight Roles and Responsibilities: Clear delineation of who will be involved in the implementation and what their respective roles will be. Should include project owner, project sponsor, implementing organization, important stakeholders, and other relevant parties, as well as who will perform the work, review the work, approve and manage the project, etc. 22
Potential Adoption Roadblocks Stakeholder Group Anticipated Resistance to Change Degree to which Resistance will Limit Initiative Success Mitigation actions Technical IT Department N/A Departmental Analysts Some reluctance to use new tools Mid Develop brief training document and FAQ LOB Managers Departmental Manager Low Cultural Strong ownership of multiple process phases; feels that current process is “good enough” Reward involvement in deployment and participation Staff may be reluctant to change current business practices Highlight time saving benefits of solution Departments have realized limited value from analytics and reporting solutions to date; concern that new solution will repeat problems of previous solutions Highlight short-term and long-term process and information benefits Interested in bottom line; show me the money Monitor and report on ongoing performance 23
Adoption Roadblock Mitigation Actions by Stakeholder Adoption Category IT Department Departmental Analysts LOB Managers Departmental Manager Awareness Awareness generating communications via email, newsletters, manager meetings, etc., targeted to stakeholder group and concerns Value Demonstration Emphasize performance process and productivity improvements to department as well as economic cost and implementation timeline. Demonstrate improvement in productivity through quick hits and quick wins; also show overall process improvements and reduced impact on staff. Provide useful tactical training to support roll-out. Demonstrate both improvement in productivity through quick hits and quick wins; also show overall process improvements. Provide useful tactical training to support roll-out. Integration & Alignment Ensure proposed solutions/ initiatives are aligned with both with business and IT strategy and direction 24
Contents Executive Summary Current State Analysis Future State Analysis Adoption & Implementation Planning Next Steps 25
Next Steps Review presentation and proposal with decision maker(s) and stakeholders for approval Consider a SharePoint Deployment Planning Services (SDPS) follow-up engagement Execute work order for project Schedule kick off meeting for week of _____ and weekly status meetings Propose schedule: A) Deadlines for initial milestones, or B) Date to finalize initial milestones 26