Getting Hands-On with Azure Logic Apps Stephen W. Thomas Independent Consultant @StephenWThomas
About Me Live here in Austin Integration expert Consulting for almost 20 years - Started with Anderson Consulting 14 years as an Independent Consultant in Integration Pluralsight and QuickLearn trainer 13 year Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Run community site Loves crypto currency, AI, and IOT
Pluralsight Courses Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started 3 BizTalk Course and 1 Travel Course New courses available: Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
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Serverless No server setup required No capacity planning needed Pay only for what you use High availability No need to deal with your in-house Infrastructure team
Serverless is the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread?
History Lesson Otto Frederick Rohwedder of Davenport, Iowa, United States, invented the first loaf-at-a-time bread-slicing machine in 1912 First commercial sliced bread was available in July 7, 1928 Sliced bread was shortly banned in the US in 1943 to support the war As commercially sliced bread resulted in uniform and somewhat thinner slices, people ate more slices of bread at a time, and ate bread more frequently, because of the ease of eating another piece of bread. This increased consumption of bread and, in turn, increased consumption of spreads, such as jam, to put on the bread
Logic Apps
Where Logic Apps Fit Part of Microsoft Integration
What are Logic Apps “Connect your business-critical apps and services with Azure Logic Apps, automating your workflows without writing a single line of code.” Connecting Integrating Hybrid
Costs Actions - $0.000025 (1/400 of a cent) Standard Connectors - $0.000125 (1/80 of a cent) Enterprise Connectors - $0.001 (1/10 of a cent) Integration Accounts Basic - $0.42 per hour (~ $300 a month) Standard - $1.37 per hour (~ $1,000 a month)
Logic Apps in Azure Portal Dive into Logic Apps Logic Apps in Azure Portal
Logic App Basics Two designer options Workflow definition in JSON Web-based Visual Studio Workflow definition in JSON { "$schema": "<schema-of the-definition>", "contentVersion": "<version-number-of-definition>", "parameters": { <parameter-definitions-of-definition> }, "triggers": [ { <definition-of-flow-triggers> } ], "actions": [ { <definition-of-flow-actions> } ], "outputs": { <output-of-definition> } }
Logic App Basics Connectors Triggers Actions Flow Control First class Azure artifacts (Flow and PowerBI) Over 200+ Friendly wrappers around API Triggers Polling Recurrence Event-based Web-hook Actions Building blocks for a Logic App Flow Control If-Else Switch For-each Do-until Scope Parallel
Integration Accounts Adds BizTalk-like features to Logic Apps Maps, Schema, Partners, Agreements, and Certificates Support for EDI, Flat File and XML Plus Enterprise Connections to MQ and SAP Cost for Integration Account is separate from Logic Apps
Dive into Logic Apps Integration Accounts
On-premises Data Gateway Hybrid Scenarios On-premises Data Gateway
Event Grid Support Automatic support for subscribing to all Event Grid activities Build workflow around events in Azure Supported sources Azure Subscriptions (management operations) Event Hubs IoT Hub Resource Groups (management operations) Service Bus Storage Blob Storage General-purpose v2 (GPv2)
Logic App Deployment Advice Using Visual Studios creates an Azure Resource Managed (ARM) Template Can more than one Logic App per ARM Supports binding / configuration files per environment Use PowerShell for deployment
Logical Logic App Tips Rename the shape right away if desired Do not be afraid of JSON Yes you will end up breaking a Logic App from time to time Save and check-in often Did you know that For-Each loops run in parallel by default? You can change this by editing the JSON file Content-type of the inbound trigger are very important In the cloud must play by the rules of the platform 429 rate limits vary per connector
Mission Critical Links Connector list - Handle content types - apps/logic-apps-content-type Handle errors and exceptions - apps/logic-apps-exception-handling Workflow definitions - us/rest/api/logic/definition-language
Lightning Clothing It’s Striking!
Lab Azure Technologies Used Scenario Windows Azure Logic Apps Office 365 Connector Twilio Connector Cognitive Services Connector Functions Cognitive Services You work for Lighting Clothing. They have a team of resources that monitor social media and email, but sometimes critical negative feedback messages are not handled in a timely manner. They need a system to monitor email messages and generate a real-time text message when an email is received with negative feedback.
Lab Office 365 Account Twilio Account Azure Functions We can all share the same account by setting a unique Subject Or use your own email Use the API key and phone number provided Or use your own API key Azure Functions Cognitive Service – Text Analytics API Use provided URL Or follow step-by-step instructions to build it yourself Use provided Key and URL Or follow step-by-step instructions to create one on your subscription
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