Residential House Design Spencer Ha James Yoo Matthew Lau
Noblesville, Indiana Population: 51,969 people Relatively small community Low property tax compared to most Northeastern states- .88 % tax annually compared to value of house New York has a tax rate of 1.58% Many historical buildings Hamilton County Courthouse
Habitat for Humanity Builds affordable houses for people in need Either builds or renovates houses Operates worldwide Supported through donations Volunteers
Habitat for Humanity- Our Job Homeowner may not be financially well off Construction materials could be limited Build efficiently Save energy/ resources For example: Sunlight > Lights Reuse water
Universal House Design Allows for all types of people to use the house Remains invisible to the casual passerby Easy accessibility
Universal House Design Does not include stairs, so that wheelchairs can access the house Creates a one story house as it is more convenient to move around Lower sinks Creates handrails that look like everyday objects. For instance, these handrails can be disguise as pots and pans. Uses wireless switches Employs motion sensitive lights Uses adjustable kitchen counters
Green/Sustainable Features To preserve the environment, we decided to implement the following LED lights Maximize natural lighting through strategic window placement Trees and other greens Toilets similar to those in airplanes A roof that catches runoff water
What our client wants Our client wants a house that is accessible to people in a wheelchair Music Room Pet room Spacious House Patios
First Draft
Final House Design- Drawing
Floor Plan- Revit
Topography Map
Site Plan- Drawn
Site Plan- Revit
Average cost of living per month Electricity Bill- $60 Average- $90 Water Bill- $15 Average- $30 Natural Gas Bill (Depends on Month)- $40 Average- $60 Annual Tax bill- $177,800 (value of house) x .88% = $1564.64 a year $130.39 a month
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