SELF DAY November 8, 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

SELF DAY November 8, 2018

Standards Habit 6 Synergize: I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble. * SEL Skills Learned-Valuing diversity, collaboration, team work, creative thinking, imagination, problem solving

Learning Target: Habit 6 Synergize Success Criteria: I can work well in teams by listening, brainstorming ideas, and learning from each team member. understand the purpose of Veteran’s Day and the meaning behind it. identify things/people I am thankful for. Learning Target: Habit 6 Synergize

Community Building Circle Welcome to this community circle. I am the Keeper of the Circle. Community Circle is the name given to a process based on the philosophy of restorative justice, which is focused on healing the harm to relationships resulting from conflict or wrongdoing.

The underlying values of Community Circles are: leadership and power are shared (everyone in the circle is equal and has an equal opportunity to speak), participants have direct visual contact with each other peace building is the focus interconnectedness of all participants is encouraged respect and accountability are required participation by all is necessary inclusion and mutual responsibility for the circle are vital.

listen when others using the talking piece speak; speak with honesty and from the heart; use words that are respectful and not offensive; while everyone is encouraged to speak, no one is required to speak; and what is said in the circle stays in the circle. Does anyone want to change or add to these ground rules? Does everyone agree to these ground rules?

“Who is someone that shows sacrifice in your life? How?” Open the Circle I will now open the circle. When given the talking piece, state your first name and tell us… “Who is someone that shows sacrifice in your life? How?”

Construction of the Learning Experience Break students into groups of 3-5 students OR become creative and make a whole class video. Have students brainstorm things/people they are thankful for in their life and share with their small groups. Construction of the Learning Experience

Construction of the Learning Experience As a class (or small groups), have students create a video or a picture of the group’s ideas of what they are thankful for. It is up to you to decide how to create this video or picture! Be creative! Post your video/picture to Twitter (or have a student do it if you do not have an account- with your viewing- before they post) with the hashtag #NHSThankfulfor. Send video/picture to scott.diamond@newarkcsd.o rg. One video/picture will be aired per day on the announcements until Thanksgiving Break! Construction of the Learning Experience