Overview This module contains a series of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ from authors and researchers in low-income countries. The questions are the basis for a discussion during the ‘authorship skills’ workshop activities.
How can I formulate an appropriate title for my paper? What are the key elements of a journal article? What should be the ideal length of a journal article?
How many tables and figures are adequate for a paper? How many references would be adequate in a paper? What can I do to improve the chances of my paper being accepted for publication?
Is it wise to send my article to a colleague for perusal/review before sending it to a journal editor? Who owns the idea - the student or the supervisor? Must the principal investigator of research always be the first author of a publication emanating from the research?
What should be the ideal number of authors in a paper? In a research study involving more than one person, who should write the manuscript/paper? In a case of multiple authorship, how should names be arranged?
Which journal will be interested in my paper? Which is the preferred journal to send a manuscript: commercial publishers (print and/or electronic journals) or Open Access (OA) journals? Is it wise to frequently publish one’s research findings in a particular journal? What is the journal impact factor and why is it important?
Is it justifiable to publish more than one paper from the same research? Is it appropriate to include one’s previous publications as part of the references in a paper? Is it appropriate to send one manuscript to more than one journal at the same time?
Will editors accept my manuscript if the study was not approved by an Ethical Review Committee? What constitutes a potential conflict of interest for authors? Why must I register my clinical trial in a central registry?
Why do journals ask authors to transfer copyright of their paper to the journal? What is the value of the Open Review System in which the author and reviewer know each other’s names? Is it ethical? What do reviewers look out for in a manuscript?
How can I deal with delays in the peer review of my manuscript? Is it okay for an author to accept all the comments of a reviewer? How do I cope with rejection of my manuscript?
Why do journal editors frequently reject manuscripts? Does rejection of a paper/manuscript mean the data are not publishable? Is it okay to send a rejected manuscript to another journal for consideration and publication? If my manuscript is accepted, how long will I have to wait until it appears in print?
Questions/suggestions/comments? Any additional ‘frequently asked questions’? updated 03 2008