Injector / Linac Installation Current Status


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Presentation transcript:

Injector / Linac Installation Current Status Manager-Kathleen Ratcliffe Project Schedule R.M. Boyce Major Partner-Mechanical Fabrication Department Installation Underway!

2006 Installation Sector 21 Sector 20 Laser BC1 Out Bunch Compressor 1 Vault X-Band Compressor L1 Insertion/SAB Wall

Linac Status Downtime Installation 8/~20 Weeks of Linac Access Prep and Removal Complete Installation Priority Linac Housing / Return to A-Line Operation January 07 Vacuum Envelope & All Safety Systems Injection Vault / Laser Schedule and Controls SLAC Resources / MFD and Others Hardware Ready System Schedule / Commissioning Good Design, Teamwork, Control

Linac Housing E-

BC 1 Out TD11 (Stopper) BL11/12 Future EO/BL Wire Scanner / PMT

Bunch Compressor 1 Chambers & Supports BC1 Diagnostics 4 Dipoles 2 Tweeker Quads

Bunch Compressor 1 Sub-Assembly

X-Band Compressor WC 293 Removable 60cm X-Band

The X-band accelerator section Klystron, modulator being power tested prior to installation.

L 1 2ea 9 ½ Ft DLWG

Linac Accelerator Section Removal Before Making room for the Insertion, L-1 and L-X regions After

Insertion / SAB BX 02 Dipole SDMP / Stopper OTRS1 / ANL SAB Dipole

Injection Vault E-

The Injector Vault Cable plant, vault ready for beamline components.

Wall 3 Wire Scanners BX 01 Dipole BBS Radiation Stopper

Heater Phase 1 Heater Table

L0A / L0B L0A L0B

L0A on the MMF CMM

Gun / GTL Laser Table SAB Dipole Gun

Gun-to-Linac area Laser table uv Gun L0a Spectrometer GTL

The LCLS photocathode electron gun The new-design LCLS gun, with dual RF feeds. The dual RF feeds have been added to symmetrize the RF entering the gun, eliminating a source of beam emittance growth.

Linac Downtime Issues BPM feed-through 10-9 He leak Old problem / New again (~3/23 BPMs On Temporary Hold) BC 1 Diagnostics 2/3 Assemblies close with Fab. SLA BPM is probably late for January. Late components: BLM 11 (BLM 12 will be in) Toroids (All Locations / Vendor Failure) Vacuum chambers in insertion region. (next slide) Spool pieces are being fabricated to not prevent Commissioning Start. Scheduled Downtime will be needed to install these components January : March to support current Commissioning schedule.

LCLS Insertion region Vac Chambers late for January LCLS Injection LCLS Insertion region Linac beam Vac Chambers late for January Linac integrity needed for ESA program in Jan.

Injector Installation Status Injector installation has taken second priority to Linac installation. Injector vault: Floor and cable plant installed Injector beamline: Accelerator structures, L0a ready, L0b in final bake RF waveguide needs to go through bake Gun in hot test at Klystron Mfg 2nd gun is in pre-braze cold-test. Vault Supports & Tables waiting DB start. except for the GTL supports & table

Injector Installation Issues Water system under pressure to make schedule! 1 BPM in GTL waiting feedthrough resolution. Late: Torroids are not delivered from Vendor The GTL stand is out for quote Estimate it will be here 11/16 for installation 11/20. Laser table installation begins 11/27 The Gun will be ready by Laser Table install. GTL is late, released for machining. Working all issues with MFD to expedite schedule. Improve on 2/15/07 Date.

Good Design with Solid Documentation. Active Data Base Some Good Stuff Good Design with Solid Documentation. Active Data Base Interconnect Control Component Histories Non-Compliance Effective Teamwork MFD/MD/KLY/AD Downstream Linac under design!