Embed the Video intro or delete this slide Video Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/mqgn2zbv8ugr78z/CoffeeChatConnect. mp4?dl=0 Play the video or delete this slide. 1) Download the Video from the link provided or if you have internet access you can click on the link to play the video (however, it is slower this way): https://www.dropbox.com/s/mqgn2zbv8ugr78z/CoffeeChatConnect.mp4?dl=0 2) Embed the Video intro into the slide
Generally life is too busy and people feel the pressure of leading small group. However, this does not mean they don’t want to belong to a small group. They really want to belong to a small group, but… The genuine feeling the scare them away... I don’t have time to lead a group or prepare talks I don’t know enough to be a leader I’ve never done this before
CCC Takes all the stress away. The only things groups need to do is: Figure out the venue and time for meeting. Bring and share snacks/coffee Allow the CCC Material to lead the conversation.
Get all the information you need to start your CCC groups from this page:http://www.coffeechatconnect.com/starter-kits
Click on the link if you have internet access or Download and print the first Issue #1 for every participant
Blank Template #1 If your church does a new members course, you may use this slide to add extra information for your context.
Please ask the participant to register for CCC. It’s 100% Free Please ask the participant to register for CCC. It’s 100% Free. Having participants registered helps us gauge the effectiveness and growth of CCC. Also, members will receive the latest Topics every week.