Mrs. Macon Welcome to Open House! Please Sign in.
CM2S Success Formula! Preparation Safety Respect Responsibility
Daily Procedures Students will: Greet teacher Place homework in the green tray. Read the entire board and write homework in planner. Complete the warm up. Prepare to check homework.
Homework grades are based on completion, NOT accuracy. 100% = completed all problems and showed evidence of strategies used to solve Homework grades are based on completion, NOT accuracy. If homework in not completed on time, students will be assigned working lunch the same day or the following day.
Math Grades 6+ 40% ~ Class Work & Quizzes 50% ~ Unit Tests 10% ~ Homework Completion
Math Grades 6 55% ~ Class Work & Quizzes 35% ~ Unit Tests 10% ~ Homework Completion
UNRAAVEL Math U- underline the question N- now predict what you need to solve it R- read the word problem A- are the important words circled A- apply the steps you chose to solve it V- verify your answer (does it make sense) E- eliminate wrong answers L- let the answer stay or rework it
Goal Summary Ratios and Proportional Relationships 12-17% The Number System 27-32% Expressions and Equations Geometry 7-12% Statistics and Probability
Homeroom Period 4 everyday before and after lunch = D.E.A.R. time (Drop Everything And Read) Organize my binder time Work on homework time…
Reminders Green Apple Day Community Service Opportunity We need your help: Families, please consider joining us on September 30th from 8-12 for our annual Green Apple Day of service. Any amount of time you can come during this fun Saturday morning is greatly appreciated, we will be sprucing up the gardens around the school campus, pressure washing the greenhouse, building benches for the outdoor classroom and installing a new cooling system in the greenhouse. This is a great opportunity to be a part of our school community, meet other families, and to set an example for your children so they understand that community service can be fun:) Please sign up and the link below and contact Mrs. Zeches for more information at
Math Art Math and art are a natural combination. This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to learn and practice math concepts incorporating art.
Grades Classwork makes up 100% of students’ grades. This includes independent work, participation, and group work. No homework. No assessments.
Syllabus Week Activity/Strategy August 28-September 1 Expectations and Review Syllabus Begin Tessellations September 4th-September 8th September 4th- Holiday Complete Tessellations September 11th-September 15th Pi Skyline and Parallel/Perpendicular Art September 18th- September 22nd September 21st- Teacher Workday Stain Glass Window September 25th-September 29th September 29th- Early Release Geometry Design Project October 2nd-October 6th Symmetry in Nature October 9th October 13th October 20th- Early Release Square Design with Area/Perimeter/Fractions October 16th- October 20th Triangles Design Challenge using Engineering Design Process October 23rd-October 22nd Mystery Pictures October 30th Quarter Ends
Grades Home Base Power School logins ~ see Ms. Dunston in the Media Center or email her at Go to http:// Click "claim my account" Select "LEA student claim policy" (next) Put in lunch number and grade LEA code:920 Next- New password Guidance Counselor ~ contact Mrs. Davis.
Locker Check!!! See if your student is keeping his/her locker nice and neat!!
Field Trips April 23rd- Asheboro Zoo You must be a registered volunteer to chaperone.