All Grades Assembly: Scheduling Information 2019-2020 February 1, 2019
WTSD Graduation Requirements English 1, 2, 3, and 4 in order (20 credits) Mathematics-Must include Algebra 1 (if not mastered in grade 8) and Geometry (15 credits) Science-Must include Biology (15 credits) World Language (5 credits) World History II, U.S. History 1 & 2 (15 credits) Phys. Ed. & Health (20 credits) Visual or Performing Arts (5 credits) 21st Century Life & Careers (5 credits) Financial Literacy or Economics (2.5 credits)
WTSD Graduation Requirements (cont.) Successfully complete 125 credits to graduate 40 credits per year
Current 9th and 10th Grade NJDOE Assessment Requirements
Current 11th Grade NJDOE Assessment Requirements
IMPORTANT: All students who do not participate in ALL NJSLA assessments will not be eligible for a high school diploma or the NJDOE Portfolio Appeal.
Participation in High School Graduation Ceremonies Regulation 6146 A. Students must meet all district and state high school graduation requirements to be eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies; B. Any student who has not met graduation requirements may be eligible to participate if he or she meets all of the following requirements: a. Need no more than two (2) courses to complete graduation requirements; b. Must be currently enrolled in summer school to complete all of their required courses; c. Must petition the Administration (principal and superintendent) in writing: i. Their reasons for not fulfilling their graduation requirements during four year of high school; ii. Requesting special exemption from these graduation regulations. d. The final decision is at the discretion of the Administration.
Program Levels AP level courses are geared towards the advanced placement examination of the College Entrance Examination Board which is given in May of each year College level courses Honors level courses-available in English, Mathematics, and Art History R track courses-advanced program S track courses- college prep
English Requirements 20 Required Credits English 1-Honors, R, S English 4-R, S English AP Language & Composition (11th or 12th grade) in lieu of English 3 or 4 English AP Literature & Composition (12th grade) in lieu of English 4 Expository Writing (Rutgers) in lieu of English 4
English Electives Comparative Mythology-R Creative Writing 1, 2-R, S Journalism 1, 2, 3-R Literature & Film-R Philosophy & Literature-H Screen Writing & Film Production-R, S *pilot Graphic Novels-S SAT Prep Verbal-R (2.5 credits) Gifted & Talented 1, 2, Gifted & Talented: AP Seminar 3 Gifted & Talented: AP Research 4
Mathematics Requirements 15 Required Credits—20 Suggested Algebra 1 R, S (graduation requirement if not mastered in grade 8) Geometry Honors, R, S (graduation requirement) A third year of Math that builds upon Algebra 1 & Geometry
Additional Mathematics Courses Algebra 2, Honors, R, S Pre-Calculus C, R, S Calculus Honors Calculus AB/BC AP Calculus 3 C (NJIT) Intro to Computer Science H Computer Science A AP Computer Science Principles AP Statistics AP, R, S College Algebra & Trigonometry S SAT Prep Math R (2.5 credits) Math 4 Life S
15 Required Credits-20 Suggested Science Requirements 15 Required Credits-20 Suggested Biology – R, S (graduation requirement) Chemistry, Environmental Science, or Physics-R, S An additional lab/inquiry-based Science
NJ Student Learning Assessment-Science (NJSLA-S) All students in 11th grade starting in the 2017-2018 school year are required to take in the spring
Science Course Options Anatomy & Physiology-R, S Cell Biology & Genetics/Bio & Evolution of Organisms-AP Chemistry-AP, R, S Environmental-AP, R, S Forensics-R, S Integrated-S Physics-AP, R Science Research 1-R Science Research 2, 3, 4-C Robotics-R Intro to Engineering-H Science of Engineering 2-H Science of Engineering 3-H
Social Studies Requirements 15 Required Credits 9th Grade-World History 2-AP, R, S 10th Grade-US History 1-AP, R, S 11th Grade-US History 2-AP, R, S
Social Studies Electives Economics-R, S Macroeconomics-AP Empowerment Civics-R European History-AP Facing History & Ourselves-R Law & Society-R, S US Government & Politics-AP Psychology-AP, R, S Sociology-R, S
World Language 5 Required Credits Spanish French Chinese Sign Language
Physical Education and Health 9, 10, 11, 12
--OR-- Financial Business Literacy R, S (2.5 credits required) Paired with Careers R, S --OR-- Economics R, S or Macroeconomics AP (5 credit courses)
21st Century Life and Careers/ Technology, Industrial Arts, Family & Consumer Sciences 5 Required Credits College & Career Readiness Academy/Web and Beyond-R, S Financial Literacy/Careers-R, S Principles of Business/Business Management-R, S Business Law/Sports Marketing-R Entrepreneurship-R, S Intro to Computer Hardware & Software (CISCO)-R Advancing with Apple-R Web Design-R
21st Century Life and Careers (cont.) Intro to Computer Science-H Computer Science Principles-C Computer Science A-C Structured Learning Experience (SLE)-S *pilot Accounting 1-R College Prep. Accounting (NJIT)-C Business Organization & Management (NJIT)-C Intro to Information Technology (NJIT)-C Tomorrow’s Teachers (Kean)-C Basic Foods 1-S Parenting Education-S
Visual & Performing Arts 5 Required Credits Dance 1-S & 2-R Band/Orchestra-R Chorus-S Concert Choir-R Men’s Choir; Women’s Choir-R History of Popular Music R, S Theater Arts Oratory-R Theater Arts 1 & 2-S Theater Arts Production-R Music Theory-AP Music Theory 1-R Intro to Visual Art-S Intro to Graphic Design-S Graphic Design 2-R Studio Drawing, 2D, 3D-AP Digital Photography: Yearbook-R Visual Art 2D, 3D-S Visual Art 2D-Practical Design-S Visual Art Major 3, 4-R Art History-AP, H Ceramics-S
9th Grade Schedule English 1- Honors, R, or S Algebra 1 (if not mastered in grade 8)-R or S If mastered, Geometry-Honors or R Environmental Science-R or S or Biology R World History II-AP, R, or S Spanish 1 R,S or Spanish 2 R; French 1 R; Chinese 1 R; American Sign Language R, S Physical Education/Health 21st Century Life and Careers/Technology- Freshman Academy, Web and Beyond-Google Docs Visual & Performing Arts Options- Dance, Intro to Visual Art, Theater Arts Oratory, Band/Orchestra, Chorus *Gifted and Talented 1-(if accepted into G&T program) **Science Research 1R ***Intro to Computer Science H
10th Grade Schedule English 2- Honors, R, or S Geometry-R or S; Algebra 2 – Honors, R, or S Biology R or S; Chemistry R or S US History 1-AP, R, or S World Language (2nd year for college bound students) Physical Education/Health Financial Literacy/Careers-R or S – or – Economics R, S – or – Macroeconomics AP One elective
11th Grade Schedule English 3 Honors, R, or S –or – AP Language Math-3rd year that builds upon Algebra 1 and Geometry Science-Additional lab/inquiry based science US History 2-AP, R, or S Physical Education/Health Three electives **A third year of World Language is highly recommended
12th Grade Schedule English 4 R or S – or – AP Language – or – AP Literature - or – Rutgers Expository Physical Education/Health Six electives
Dual Enrollment Pre-Calculus (MCC) Calculus 3 (NJIT) Business Organization & Management (NJIT) Intro to Information Technology (NJIT) College Prep. Accounting (NJIT) Intro to Info. Technology (NJIT) Tomorrow’s Teachers (Kean) Expository Writing (Rutgers)
Once your schedule is done: You’ll be able to see requests in Parent Access under the Scheduling tab Your parents should look and check off that they approve your selections You have until 6/30/19 to make changes—pass for counselor ***Counselors will be finishing first round of scheduling with students BEFORE they will call you down to make changes. Be patient and know what you want when you go down the first time!
Community Service Recommendation Students are recommended to complete 10 hours of community service each year. Community service opportunities will be offered at the high school or within the community. An average of 10 hours each year is recommended for a total of 40 hours. For example, if a freshman completes 40 hours during their freshman year, they have fulfilled the community service requirement for graduation. Students who complete 40+ hours will be recognized at graduation.
Juniors Only Look for Naviance emails for updates Fill out the “Game Plan Survey” in Naviance College Fair 3/9/19 at Woodbridge High School
Scheduling will begin shortly! Thank you Check out the Counseling Tab under scheduling for more information including the Program of Studies and Course Offerings sheet. Scheduling will begin shortly!