Washoe County Regional Parks & Open Space MASTER PLAN Open space & regional parks commission| November 29, 2018
The Washoe County Parks Master Plan Provides Staff With a Clear & Focused Direction for the Next 20 Years Acts as a Living Document Consolidates Existing Park Residential Construction Tax (RCT) Districts Will Not Replace Existing Regional Park Master Plans Previous Master Plans Have Been Lost or Are Now Outdated This Stand Alone Parks Master Plan will provide the County with a Clear Direction Forward and address near and long term goals and will act as a living document to be continually updated as the region changes and grows There are currently 20 park districts, these districts limit the availability of funding for the area and leave large pots of money that cannot be used in districts that do not want to spend the money
Washoe County Parks Master Plan Timeline 2010 Washoe County Gathered an Inventory of Their Facilities 2012 Washoe County Contracted Wood Rodgers Inc. to Develop a Parks Master Plan 2013 Master Plan Put on Hold 2017 Wood Rodgers Was Re-Contracted to Continue Parks Master Plan 2017-2018 Analysis of County Demographics 2018 Public Outreach/Stakeholder Meetings 2019 Final Draft Parks Master Plan
PARKS ANALYSIS Parks Do Not Include: Open Space Trails/Trailheads Special Use Parks City Parks and County Parks Were Analyzed Majority of the Parks Are Located Within Truckee Meadows Service Area (TMSA) PARKS ANALYSIS
Community Profile Utilized GIS Data Including: Census Data TMRPA Housing Study Parks/Residential Distances Park/Residential Densities
Stakeholders Group Members Consisted of: Washoe County Parks Staff City of Reno/Sparks Planning Staff Private Land/Housing Developers Land Managers Two Meetings Before and After Public Outreach 1st Meeting Focus on Public Outreach 2nd Meeting Focus on Planning Areas Comments/Conclusions Planning Areas Need to Consider a Timing Element With Future Growth In Support of the Consolidation of Park Districts Residents Are More Interested in Regional Parks With Desirable Facilities
Public Outreach 4 Open House Meetings: Spanish Springs North Valleys Central Reno South Valleys Online Survey Conclusions Residents are Willing to Travel Several Miles but Generally Recreate Near Home Value of Regional Parks Over Neighborhood Parks Parks and Residents Should be Connected by Trails Open Space Acquisition is Vital as the Area Develops Residents Want to See the Regional Park Master Plans Developed
Washoe County Parks Master Plan: Outline CHAPTER 1: Introduction History of Washoe County Parks Washoe County Parks Role Today Community Profile Park and Facility Inventory Introduction to Planning Areas CHAPTER 2: Plan Development Process Public Input Process Summary of Public Input CHAPTER 3: Goals, Objectives and Strategies CHAPTER 4: Planning Area Profiles and Implementation Planning Area Profiles Planning Area Priorities CHAPTER 5: Park Plan Implementation Concepts and Standards Implementation Strategies
Washoe County Parks Master Plan: Goals, Objectives and Strategies GOAL 1: Provide, enhance, and support regional recreational opportunities that increase the quality of life for Washoe County Residents Objective 1.A thru 1.C GOAL 2: Develop and update community supported short-term and long-term priorities specific to each park planning area Objectives 2.A and 2.B GOAL 3: Support and encourage implementation of each priority to meet the needs of the community Objectives 3.A and 3.B GOAL 4: Seek diverse and flexible funding sources to insure the community’s needs are met Objectives 4.A and 4.B
Proposed Planning Areas 4 Urban 3 Rural Based On: Where You Are Most Likely To Recreate Washoe County Planning Areas Existing Park Districts Proposed to Become the New Park Tax Districts (RCT) With the Exception of the Sun Valley and Incline Village General Improvement Districts
Spanish Springs/Northeast Truckee Meadows Priorities: Further Develop Lazy 5 Regional Park Address Underserved Areas Plan a New Regional Park Update and Further Develop Existing Parks Acquire Open Space Connect Parks with Trails
North Valleys Planning Area Priorities: Address Underserved Areas Further Develop Sun Valley Regional Park Acquire Open Space Update and Further Develop Existing Parks Examine the Feasibility of a New Regional Park Connect Parks with Trails
Northwest Truckee Meadows Planning Area Priorities: Further Develop Bartley Ranch Regional Park Examine the Feasibility of a New Regional Park Update/Add Amenities to Existing Parks Further Develop Ranch San Rafael Regional Park Acquire Open Space Connect Parks with Trails
South Meadows/Steamboat Planning Area Priorities: Develop the South Valleys Regional Park Master Plan Further Develop Hidden Valley Regional Park Acquire Open Space Connect Parks with Trails Maintain an Update Existing Park Facilities
For Additional Comments Please Contact Me: Thank You! For Additional Comments Please Contact Me: Eric Hasty 823-9770 ehasty@woodrodgers.com REGENCY PARK II