Associate VP – Student Affairs Accounts : 11000-14630 & 24630-4630 CATEGORY 2012-2013 2013-2014 Admin. Salaries (3.0 FTEs) $154,154 Fringe Benefits $43,749 Longevity $3,540 Student Salaries * $0 *** $16,323 Travel *** $3,325 M&O ** $5,000 *** $15,089 Utilities *** $425 * AVP office new in 2012-13; funds derived from Student Services & Food Service accounts. ** $5,000 designated from Student Service Fee for Social Media Coordinator M&O. *** Corresponds to 2012-13 Student Services account– will be used as funding source for AVP office in 2013-14 through Dean of Students organizational consolidation. $25,000 Retention Platform Paid in 2012-13 from Student Technology Fees; Not Accounted For In This Request
Source of Funds = Annual Bookstore Commission Account : 34800-4800 CATEGORY 2012-2013 2013-2014 M&O $3,420 Utilities $16,000 Source of Funds = Annual Bookstore Commission