GCSE EXAMS 2018 Until Mon 14.5.18 = first GCSE written exam
Year 11 you must: Make sure you attend every day (even if you have no exams that day). Make sure you go to registration EVERY MORNING – this is the way we will check you are here for exams so it is vital that you register (even if you have pre-exam sessions starting at 8). Make sure you know exactly where you are going for each of your pre-exam sessions – check with your subject teachers if it is not clear on the attached timetable. Make sure you arrive to pm exams promptly – the exam starts at 1.30 so you must be in the atrium at 1.15 If you do not have an exam/pre-exam session you must remain in lessons. (Once the exam for that subject is finished it is your responsibility to bring appropriate revision materials).
Pre- Exam Sessions / Exams Next Week:14-18 May (1 of 2) All other pupils will have normal lessons and must remain in their lessons at all times
Pre- Exam Sessions / Exams Next Week:14-18 May (2 of 2) All other pupils will have normal lessons and must remain in their lessons at all times