a charism of hope for the world fourth part 926 a charism of hope for the world
Thanks to you young people
I express my thanks to you, young people who live the stages of initial formation and to you who are searching for God’s plan of love for your life.
To you, young women, whoever you are, I send my gratitude for the sense of responsibility with which you face your future.
Our Founders were ready to give their life for you
Today there are those who label the young as indifferent, far from God, incapable of dreaming of a future. But I affirm that many of them are rich in love, capable of globalizing hope, involved in volunteer action, open to the call of Jesus to follow Him more closely.
I have met many animators and volunteers who witness to the foreseeing love of God wthout dwelling on fatigue and sacrifices, choosing the poorest as a priority for their gift.
Without underestimating the actual and daunting challenges that the new generations must face.
These challenges must not lead us into discouragement These challenges must not lead us into discouragement. Rather, they are the occasion for a renewed effort and hope, the hope that is born in the awareness that Christ is Risen and is always with us.
For you, young people, there is a personal trust united to that of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. All of us are called to make the young, the mission of our life.
You belong to us and we belong to you
Sr. Alba Vernazza fma