In Vivo Imaging of Neuronal Activity by Targeted Expression of a Genetically Encoded Probe in the Mouse  Thomas Bozza, John P McGann, Peter Mombaerts,


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Presentation transcript:

In Vivo Imaging of Neuronal Activity by Targeted Expression of a Genetically Encoded Probe in the Mouse  Thomas Bozza, John P McGann, Peter Mombaerts, Matt Wachowiak  Neuron  Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 9-21 (April 2004) DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8

Figure 1 Targeting SpH to Olfactory Sensory Neurons (A) Diagram of the OMP targeting vector (1). The coding sequence for superecliptic synapto-pHluorin (green box; spH) replaces the OMP coding sequence (blue box, OMP) shown in the wild-type locus (2). The autoexcising neomycin selectable marker (gray box, neo) is flanked by loxP sites (red arrowheads). Following homologous recombination and passage through the germline, the selectable cassette is removed, leaving the spH coding sequence followed by a single loxP site (3). Black box indicates the probe used to screen for homologous recombinants. Relevant restriction sites are shown (RI, EcoRI; X, XhoI; S, SphI). (B) Whole-mount view of the left and right dorsal olfactory bulbs from a homozygous OMP-spH mouse using confocal fluorescence microscopy. SpH labels glomeruli (round structures) and axon bundles which cover the surface of the bulbs. Anterior (ant) and lateral (lat) are indicated. (C) Section through the olfactory bulb from a homozygous OMP-spH mouse showing preferential labeling in the glomerular layer (GL) and less intense labeling of the overlying olfactory nerve layer (ONL). The section is counterstained with the nuclear dye TOTO-3 (red). Scale bar, 400 μm in (B); 100 μm in (C). Neuron 2004 42, 9-21DOI: (10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8)

Figure 2 Odorant-Evoked SpH Signals in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb (A) Resting spH fluorescence in the dorsal olfactory bulbs viewed through thinned bone in a living mouse. Bulb outlines are indicated by white solid lines. Boxed region is shown at higher magnification in panel (C). Anterior (ant) and lateral (lat) are indicated. Scale bar, 500 μm. (B) Spatial map of the spH signal (ΔF) elicited by 2-hexanone (single trial), showing responses in distinct glomeruli (1). Two regions from which the traces in panels (G) and (H) were derived are indicated (1 and 2). The response map is scaled from 95% to –30% of the maximal ΔF. (C) Higher magnification of resting fluorescence showing glomeruli (round profiles). Anterior (ant) and medial (med) are indicated. Scale bar, 200 μm. (D) Odorant-evoked response map from the area in panel (C), showing distinct activated glomeruli. Boxed region is enlarged in panel (F). The map is scaled from 95% to 0% of the maximum ΔF. (E) High-magnification resting fluorescence image from region marked in panel (D). The centers of presumed individual glomeruli are shown by dots. (F) Odorant-evoked response map from the same area as in panel (E), showing the profiles of responsive glomeruli. Positions of the dots are the same as in panel (E). Scale bar, 50 μm. (G) Time course of the fluorescence decrease due to photobleaching (gray trace) taken from a no-stimulus trial, superimposed on the raw traces from two glomeruli (black traces) during a hexanone trial. (H) Time course of the odorant-evoked spH signal from a hexanone responsive (1) and nonresponsive (2) glomerulus after correction for photobleaching (subtraction of gray trace from panel [G]). Gray box demarcates the image frames used to create the map in panel (B). Data were collected at 7 Hz and presented with no temporal filtering. (I) Time course of the spH signal from a single glomerulus elicited by two concentrations of hexanal (different preparation than in [A]–[H]). Response to a 2 s stimulus did not fully recover during the 25 s acquisition time. Data were collected at 7 Hz and filtered with a low-pass Gaussian at 1 Hz. (J) Resting fluorescence in the dorsal olfactory bulbs of a living mouse loaded with Alexa Fluor 488 dextran. Outlines of the bulbs are indicated by white solid line. Scale bar, 500 μm. (K) Intrinsic optical signal evoked by hexanone (2% s.v.) reveals a strong decrease in fluorescence associated with blood vessels (seen as dark lines) and a smaller, spatially diffuse fluorescence decrease which is difficult to distinguish in the map. Fluorescence decreases from two locations are plotted in panel (L). The image is scaled from 0% to −70% of the maximum ΔF/F. (L) Odorant-evoked intrinsic signal measured from the regions shown in panel (K). The signal appears as a slow fluorescence decrease (black traces) which is larger in amplitude over blood vessels (4). (M) Time course of the intrinsic signal elicited by 2 s pulses of two concentrations of hexanal. The amplitude was concentration dependent and showed a similar time course to the spH signal (compare with panel [I]). Neuron 2004 42, 9-21DOI: (10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8)

Figure 3 Reproducibility of Odorant-Evoked SpH Signals (A–C) Response maps from the same mouse evoked during single trials with 4% s.v. valeric acid recorded at three different time points, indicated above each map. The spatial pattern and maximum ΔF observed for each trial (given below each panel in arbitrary units) were similar. Anterior (ant) and medial (med) are indicated. Scale bar, 500 μm. (D–G) Bilateral response maps from two mice evoked by butyraldehyde (D and E) and 2-hexanone (F and G). Spatial patterns were distinct for different odorants in the same mouse (compare [D] and [F]) but were similar using the same odorant in different mice (compare [D] and [E]). Spatial patterns exhibited some degree of bilateral symmetry. Examples of glomeruli that could be putatively paired in the left and right bulbs are indicated with arrowheads. Concentrations were 1% for (D) and (G), 0.5% for (E), and 1.8% for (F). Scale bar, 500 μm. Neuron 2004 42, 9-21DOI: (10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8)

Figure 4 Comparison of SpH and Presynaptic Calcium Signals in Olfactory Bulb Glomeruli (A and B) Resting fluorescence images of spH (A) and rhod dextran (B) taken from the same olfactory bulb. The overlying grid registers the two images. Circles indicate the glomerulus from which data in panel (C) are derived. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) Time course of spH signal (spH) and rhod dextran signal (rhod) from the same glomerulus evoked by a 2 s pulse of hexanal. Shaded areas indicate the temporal windows from which the response maps in panels (D) (spH) and (E) (rhod dextran) were generated. The preparation with the largest rhod dextran signals and typical spH signals was chosen for display. This preparation also exhibited exceptionally strong glomerular labeling with rhod dextran. (D) Response map using spH, measured as raw change in fluorescence (ΔF). This panel and panel (E) show response maps in grayscale to facilitate comparison of responses at all amplitudes. (E) Response map using rhod dextran measured as fractional change in fluorescence (ΔF/F). (F) Correlation between the amplitudes of the spH and rhod dextran responses in rhod-labeled glomeruli, collected from three preparations. Responses were normalized to the maximal signal amplitude in each preparation before performing the correlation. The correlation coefficient is 0.62. Neuron 2004 42, 9-21DOI: (10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8)

Figure 5 Dynamic Range of SpH Responses in Individual Glomeruli (A–D) Odorant-response maps elicited with increasing concentrations of 2-hexanone showing recruitment of activated glomeruli with increasing concentration. Percent dilutions of saturated vapor are given in each panel. Glomeruli from which dose-response relationships were plotted are indicated (1 through 10). Because each panel is scaled to its own maximum ΔF (given below each panel), some glomeruli appear to “drop out” of the maps as concentration increases despite their still being activated. Scale bar, 300 μm. (E) Concentration-response relationships plotted for four glomeruli that exhibited saturation at an intermediate concentration and response decreases at higher concentrations. These were the four glomeruli most sensitive to 2-hexanone in this preparation. (F) Concentration-response relationships plotted for three glomeruli that exhibited saturating concentration-response relationships. (G) Concentration-response relationships plotted for three glomeruli that showed no saturation within the concentration range tested. Neuron 2004 42, 9-21DOI: (10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8)

Figure 6 Integration of Neural Activity with SpH (A) Response map evoked by a single 2 s presentation of a near-threshold concentration of hexanal (0.25% s.v.). Two glomeruli show strong activation. The locations of a single, highly responsive glomerulus (1) and a single weakly responsive glomerulus (2) are indicated. (B) Time course of spH signals in the indicated glomeruli evoked by 2 s (top) and 20 s (bottom) pulses of hexanal (0.25% s.v.). Glomerulus 2 shows a small, slow response with 2 s stimulation but a continuous increase in signal amplitude with longer stimulation. The shaded regions indicate frames used to derive response maps following the short (t1, blue) and long (t2, red) stimulus applications. (C) Response map evoked by a 20 s hexanal stimulation. Glomerulus 2 as well as several additional glomeruli that were weakly activated in (A) now show clear spH signals. The absolute magnitude of the spH signal is also larger after 20 s than after 2 s (max ΔF given below the maps). Neuron 2004 42, 9-21DOI: (10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8)

Figure 7 Chronic Imaging of Odorant Representations Using SpH (A and B) Resting spH fluorescence images in the same mouse taken 24 hr (A) and 7 days (B) after implantation of a chronic imaging chamber. Blood vessels can be seen overlying the glomerular fluorescence. Anterior (ant) and medial (med) are indicated. Scale bar, 300 μm. (C and D) Response maps to hexanone (2% s.v.) measured at 24 hr (C) and at 7 days (D) are similar. (E and F) Response maps to hexanal (2% s.v.) also exhibit similar response patterns at 24 hr (E) and 7 days (F). Grid overlays register the images. Neuron 2004 42, 9-21DOI: (10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8)

Figure 8 Mapping Responses to a Homologous Odorant Series (A) Response maps evoked by a homologous series of aliphatic aldehydes (C4 through C8) from a single mouse using near-threshold concentrations. Outline of the olfactory bulb is shown in white. Images are overlaid with a cross to facilitate comparison. The rightmost panel shows the resting fluorescence image overlaid with circles marking the positions of glomeruli with spH signals greater than 40% of the maximum, with each circle color coded by chain length. Reducing the odorant concentration by 50% resulted in little or no response. Scale bar, 500 μm. (B) Response maps from one mouse using a homologous series of organic acids (C3 through C7) obtained at near-threshold concentrations. Rightmost panel shows the positions of the most sensitive glomeruli responding to each of the six acids, mapped and color coded by chain length as in (A). (C) Response maps from a single mouse for the aldehyde series presented at a constant 1% dilution of saturated vapor. Note the large change in molar vapor concentration (given in μM) with carbon chain length. The rightmost panel shows overlays of the most strongly activated glomeruli as in (A). Data are from the same mouse as in (A). Maps using heptanal and octanal are the same in (A) and (C) because the near-threshold concentration and constant-vapor concentrations were the same. (D) Distribution of the most sensitive glomeruli in all four preparations using the near-threshold aldehyde series. Maps were overlaid and positions of the most strongly activated glomeruli marked with a spot (see Experimental Procedures). The spot maps were averaged and smoothed to show the aggregate relative density of activated glomeruli. Right panel shows the corresponding centroids of the summary overlays for each of the aldehydes, color coded as in (A). There is no clear relationship between the distribution of activated glomeruli and carbon chain length. (E) Summary of the distribution of glomeruli activated by a constant vapor dilution (0.5%, n = 1; 1%, n = 3), as described in (D). The map of glomeruli activated by octanal is the same in (D) and (E) because the near-threshold concentration and constant-vapor concentrations were the same. The panel on the right shows the centroids of the glomerular distributions for each of the aldehydes in the series. Neuron 2004 42, 9-21DOI: (10.1016/S0896-6273(04)00144-8)