Welcome to... Science Squares A Game of X’s and O’s
1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 What is matter?
Anything that takes up space and has mass/weight. 1 Anything that takes up space and has mass/weight. Home
2 Which state of matter has atoms that are packed so tightly that they hardly move?
2 Solids Home
What happens to some solids such as ice when they’re heated? 3 What happens to some solids such as ice when they’re heated?
3 They melt Home
Which state of matter expands and contracts? 4 Which state of matter expands and contracts?
4 Gas Home
5 What happens to some liquids when they experience very cold temperatures?
They freeze or turn solid 5 They freeze or turn solid Home
6 What happens to some liquids such as water when they are heated to boiling?
They evaporate or turn to gas 6 They evaporate or turn to gas Home
Which state of matter has molecules the farthest apart? 7 Which state of matter has molecules the farthest apart?
7 Gas Home
Air is this type of matter. 8 Air is this type of matter.
8 Gas Home
Ice Cream is this type of matter 9 Ice Cream is this type of matter
9 Solid Home