Submission Title: [MAC Performance enhancements for Alt-PHY] <January 2002> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<02/139r0> November, 2002 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [MAC Performance enhancements for Alt-PHY] Date Submitted: November 13, 2002 Source: [Chuck Brabenac] Company: [Intel] Address: [2111 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124] Voice: [503-264-8575], FAX: [503-264-3483], E-Mail: [] Re: [02/105r20 clause 4] Abstract: [Illustrates and justifies the need for various MAC performance enhancement modifications to support the 802.15.3a alt-PHY] Purpose: [To set context for discussion of 02/105r20 clause 4] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that these viewgraphs becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Chuck Brabenac, Intel R&D Chuck Brabenac, Intel Labs
Overview: 15.3a MAC performance enhancement need November, 2002 Overview: 15.3a MAC performance enhancement need 15.3 MAC currently supports <=55Mb/s PHY Its throughput efficiency can be very high 15.3a PHY will be 110, 200 & scalable to 480Mb/s+ On the order of 10x+ PHY rate increase Reasonable to expect MAC performance enhancements to preserve throughput efficiency 15.3a CFA responses cited heavy MM needs MPEG-2, MPEG-4 movies, etc. We should assure the MAC can carry this traffic efficiently & reliably Chuck Brabenac, Intel R&D
Simple “best case” CFP analysis at higher rates (1) November, 2002 Simple “best case” CFP analysis at higher rates (1) PHY parameter assumptions (pure fiction for now) 20us preamble (02/105r20 target) 10us SIFS (from 15.3 D14-pre) 22 Mb/s base rate Error-free channel Application/flow assumptions Single flow, consuming nearly entire SF Ignored beaconing, guard time, tail symbols, stuff bits Calculations made at 55,110,200,480 and 1000 Mb/s: Immediate ACK policy Delayed ACK policy on 16 packets w/ SIFS Delayed ACK policy on 16 packets w/ MIFS Delayed ACK policy on 16 packets w/ MIFS and no preamble on subsequent frames of a burst Chuck Brabenac, Intel R&D
Simple “best case” CFP analysis at higher rates (2) November, 2002 Simple “best case” CFP analysis at higher rates (2) Chuck Brabenac, Intel R&D
Simple “best case” CFP analysis at higher rates (3) Some Observations November, 2002 Simple “best case” CFP analysis at higher rates (3) Some Observations Delayed ACK/MIFS developed by TG3 team helps significantly (~20% @480Mb/s) PHY preamble overhead remains a dominant factor to deal with at higher rates (~22%) To scale upward, we should consider reducing/eliminating it on delayed ACK bursts Chuck Brabenac, Intel R&D
Improving multimedia performance November, 2002 Improving multimedia performance Minor changes can reduce job failure rates of multimedia flows (e.g., MPEG-4) Flow queue depth field could be added, enabling more effective scheduler (SRPT, etc.) Effectively increases capacity of the MAC for this type of dynamic flow rate traffic (see next foil) Refer to 02/297r1 QoS performance analysis and simulation results for more info Chuck Brabenac, Intel R&D
Improving multimedia performance November, 2002 Improving multimedia performance ~95% Channel utilization 70% Average performance improvement over 802.15.3 MAC Chuck Brabenac, Intel R&D
November, 2002 Summary 15.3a MAC performance enhancements are necessary as PHY data rates scale upward Justifies needed MAC modifications as per 02/105r20, clause 4 Chuck Brabenac, Intel R&D