Unified Banking System Pilot Launch Town Hall meetings January 2019
Launch timeline - December Email announcements sent Credit Cards mailed to home addresses User accounts set up in CashPro and Works Download CashPro mobile app in smartphone or tablet Communicate with credit card holders in your team All cardholders can begin using credit card $1,000 credit limit for each cardholder Reconcile charges in Works Approve charges made by other cardholders Submit Finance reports for 2018
Launch timeline – January January 8, 10 and 23 Town hall meetings scheduled (choose one of three) January 14 Cease activity in local accounts Half of funds in local accounts will be moved into new central accounts Bank of America account transfers will be initiated by Field Finance staff Other local accounts will be done by the signatory on the account January 31 Deadline for submission of Finance Report for all activity in 2018
Launch timeline –February Finance Report deadline for 2019 activity, if any February 28 Remaining local account funds transferred into central accounts All team accounts will be closed Finance reports for January 2019 will be posted to your team page in Global Link
Expense reimbursements Spending team funds Credit cards Issued to select team members - no card sharing Approvals and receipts required $1,000 credit limit If higher limit is needed send email request to fieldfinance@afsusa.org Expense reimbursements Volunteers are encouraged to submit their own expense reports through Works Volunteers can also send receipts to Treasurers who will submit reimbursement request on their behalf Vendors can be paid via: Credit card (preferred) Check request The Team Treasurer can request a new Works user or credit card for a user by completing a request form found in MyAFS Help & Learning page
Depositing team funds Via Deposit Card Via CashPro Mobile Banking For teams with access to Bank of America local branch Issued upon request – cards will be mailed to team Treasurers by mid-January Via CashPro Mobile Banking App must be installed on your phone Instructions available Via scanner Will be sent to you, on request, sent to fieldfinance@afsusa.org Cash deposits Treasurer deposits cash into personal account and writes check to their team Deposits to their account via one of 3 methods above Deposit form must be submitted to Field Finance within 2 days after deposit is made Deposit form found on MyAFS help and learning page
MyAFS Help & Learning Follow up webinars Resources MyAFS Help & Learning Unified Banking – Resources for Pilot Program Users Video Tutorials “How-to” documents Revised Treasurer’s Manual Contains everything you need to know!! https://myafshelp.afsusa.org/hc/en-us/articles/360012296814-Unified- Banking-Resources-for-Pilot-Program-Users Follow up webinars Feel free to log in and navigate the system even before you have transactions
Resources Email: fieldfinance@afsusa.org Phone: 646.381.3295
The NY Unified Banking System team Resources The NY Unified Banking System team Miriam Canela, mcanela@afsusa.org, 646.751.1853 Mustafa Mustafa, mmustafa@afsusa.org, 646.751.1863 Raimonda Baneleviciute, rbaneleviciute@afsusa.org, 646.751.1857 Joe Collins, Works Admin, jcollins@afsusa.org, 646.751.1886 Susan Goldberg, sgoldberg@afsusa.org, 646.751.2008 Scott Hume, shume@afsusa.org, 646.381.3312
Pilot Program Area Teams Chequamegon Columbia Pacific DelMarPa East Metro Greater Chicago Heartland Kansas Kansas City Michigan Midland Central Milwaukee Miss Tenky Missouri Gateway Northwest California Northwoods Gateway Ohio River Valley One World San Antonio San Francisco Bay Sierra San Joaquin Southern New England Waukesha and West Western NY World Class World Flags