The Responsibility of Social Media T. H. I. N. K. The Responsibility of Social Media
Social Media Most of you use some form of social media. It can be a fun way to connect with friends BUT….
Social Media Your Future!!!! IRRESPONSIBLE use of social media could potentially ruin your Education Athletic Opportunities Your Career Your Future!!!!
Things to Keep in Mind
It’s a Tool, NOT a Toy Social media isn’t just something for your own entertainment. If used effectively, social media can be an asset. It can help you POSITIVELY represent yourself, your community, team, and school.
Nothing is truly private…EVER! The content posted on ANY social media can last FOREVER. Content can be captured in screenshots or saved by other users.
Nothing is truly private…EVER! Posts you think may be private may end up being viewed by 1000’s of people. With that in mind…DO NOT EVER Share your phone or password with anybody!
If you Share it, You Own It! Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. If you share a post of trash-talking, fighting, sexting, etc., you are now part of the situation which can have athletic, school, career, and even criminal consequences.
Personal Branding What does your social media portfolio say about you? Are you sending the right message about yourself to your peers or others?
Personal Branding Coaches, college admissions officers, college athletic recruiters, employers, and scholarship committees all use social media to learn about candidates.
Things to Never Do on Social Media 1.) Post illegal activities The second you post something illegal, you become vulnerable to school consequences and criminal prosecution, even if your profile is set to private. This keeps people from getting jobs everyday
Things to Never Do on Social Media 2.) Bullying Vicious treatment and hateful words between students often leads to fights, suicide, depression, and discrimination. You can be arrested. The risks are unmeasurable.
Things to Never Do on Social Media 3.) Trash Your Teachers Bullying doesn’t just apply to other students Speaking poorly or posting photos of teachers puts you at risk
Things to Never Do on Social Media 3.) Trash Your Teachers You never know which one of your teachers may sit on a scholarship committee or hold the key to a job you may want or need Negative posts can hurt college admissions
Things to Never Do on Social Media 4.) Use School Networks or Computers to Post Objectionable Material Examples include but are not limited to: Profanity, Bullying, Harassment, Inappropriate pictures
Things to Never Do on Social Media 5.) Threaten Violence Threatening a person or group of people is unbelievably serious Anonymous posting can be caught by authorities
Things to Never Do on Social Media 6.) Post Emotionally Posting an angry post in the heat of the moment may give you momentary pleasure, but it is NOT worth the potential harm it could create. Take a moment to breathe, think, and reboot.
One Last Thing… Do NOT let anybody EVER use your phone. Do NOT share Passwords/Passcodes with ANYONE but your parents. If something is sent on YOUR phone, YOU are responsible!
#TEAMCMS #CatchMe@MyBest #TCC Lift Each Other UP! Don’t Tear Each Other Down! #TEAMCMS #CatchMe@MyBest #TCC
References media-dos-and-don-ts-for-student-athletes.html warnings/#hnxj0zQQtkqc