Watch the Clock
Start Your Semester Off Strong Managing your time is a lot like managing your money. Once you spend it, it’s gone, so you have to make it all count. With 24 hours a day, multiplied by seven days a week, your total time available in one week is: 168 HOURS
How Many Hours Do You Use? -In college it is expected that you spend at least two hours outside of class for every hour you are in class. Number of Credits X 3 = Hours on Homework and Class -You typically will need time to get from your dorm (or apartment) to your class, so add in time for your commute as well. -Although this is not always the case, it is best to get 7 hours of sleep each night. That means that in a given week, you should spend 49 hours sleeping. This varies by person. -Don’t forget that you take showers and other personal hygiene time. You also take time to eat each day. -You may have a part time job that also takes up time each week. -Do you work out or participate in any sports? -Are clubs part of your weekly routine? Do you have weekly plans with a friend? Don’t forget to add those into your number.
How Well Do You Use Your 168 Hours? 121-145 Hours Used Average time manager 100-120 Hours Used 146-168 Hours Used Poor time manager Superb time manager
5 Time Management Tips Get a planner and USE it. Be cognizant of time utilized and time wasted. Prioritize your to do list. Find balance. Educational/social. Don’t procrastinate.