Media & Advertising 45% of his/her time 60% of his/her time 2 days The average person spends listening 45% of his/her time A student spends listening 60% of his/her time Within we will forget what we heard days before 2 days Better listening could save our country 1 BILLION dollars! 99 % of Americans own a T.V. Americans are willing to pay for T.V. **
There is not 1 single inventor of the television… The hours between 7pm – 10pm are called prime time The major television networks are: NBC ABC CBS FOX Commercial Broadcasting Stations – Depend on advertising for survival. PBS – Public Broadcasting Stations – (Sesame Street, etc.) – Depend on government funding for survival. re is not 1 single inventor of the television… 52% of individuals learn about products from TV. Where are some other places to learn about products? Internet Newspaper/Magazine word-of-mouth Radio
Billboard advertising – the most used and oldest Billboard advertising reaches 93% of Americans Television advertising reaches 94% of Americans The average person has to see an ad 7 times before they remember it. Outdoor advertising costs 80% less than TV advertising.
Advertising geared to kids/teens/adolescents is a HUGE business. Over 800 million dollars a year is spent on advertising geared to kids. Ads such as: Food Electronics Toys Clothes Trips movies