The Art of Persuasion Greek Style!!
Ethos Ethos is a Greek term which translates to mean an appeal based on the writer’s credibility and respect. If you know what you are talking about, it’s easier to convince someone. When arguing ethos, the writer needs to consider appealing to the reader’s sense of how much you can show that you know about the subject. It’s about gaining the reader’s respect.
Logos Logos is a Greek term that translates to mean an appeal to “logic”. Logic is a style of argumentation that follows a step-by-step process in persuasion (e.g. if “…” is true then “…” will be the result). When using logos, the writer seeks to appeal to the reader’s sense of reasoning.
Pathos Pathos is a Greek term that translates to mean an appeal to emotion. Pathos is an appeal to emotion. When using pathos, the writer attempts to appeal to a reader’s emotions. This type of argument is often considered overly dramatic, yet can be extremely effective.
Argument in Action In the following film clips, attempt to designate which styles of argumentation are being used. From The Godfather “An Offer He Can’t Refuse” From The Dark Knight “World Burn” From The Empire Strikes Back “That is Why You Fail”
Your Turn! Choose a style of organization and write ONE body paragraph using this new technique. Prompt: For decades, experienced teachers and professors have been protected by tenure and unions which collectively bargain for employment rights. Some citizens believe this system causes incompetence and is hurting education in America. In your opinion, do you agree or disagree that teachers should continue being protected under the tenure system or should incompetent teachers be removed if they receive an unsatisfactory evaluation? Incorporate evidence from articles: